Who is killing all these prominent Russian businessmen and their families?

This subject is entirely fascinating to me. Whether you're pro or anti Russia, there must be a common understanding that a very secretive, cruel organisation is engaging in targeted assassinations including women and children. Example:
>in April 2022, the body of Sergey Protosenya, 55, was found hanged outside a Spanish villa, with his wife Natalia, 33, and their teenage daughter Maria found hacked to death with an axe inside. There was no suicide note found. Mr Protosenya did not have any blood on him, despite the heavily bloodied corpses of his wife and daughter. Furthermore, his fingerprints were nit found on the murder weapon.
Is Putin instructing his FSB to kill oligarch's out of fear that they were providing intel to the west? Or is it something else? A lot of them seem to be connected to the natural gas industry in Russia.

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any photos of the hacked daughter?

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this isn't a new thing
people are just paying attention now because of Ukraine



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This is true but 2022 has been very busy for these agencies.
13 such cases so far this year.

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>Who is killing all these prominent Russian businessmen and their families?

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Were the women raped?

Why wouldn’t it be the normal cia / Mossad goons?

This is the russian way, the higher in the hierarchy you go, the bigger the chance you will be suicided. Usually by a paranoid silovik that sees a potential threat in you. Even if your murder have a reason it is usually for your failure to play ball fast and enthusiastic enough.
The Stalin purges never really stopped, they just decreased in intensity. As they start drowning in their own mess, the pressure rises and the murders resume.

Just normal life in Russia. It's not for the fainthearted.

CIA should start killing FSB goons on sight. Murder the fuck out of Putin's bully boys.

Had some shady deals with the western partners, after sanctions they couldn't do that and got murdered by CIA staging it as Russian.

Russian elites toys are sinking / blowing up been seized at alarming rates

nice if they mistakenly sink this one

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>Spain is under direct MI6 control
>Putin did this, trust me goy
it's all so tiresome

Don't be ridiculous.

he probably knew too much about Putin`s dorty secrets.

RIP his wife his daughter

That guy knew he made a pact with the devil and he paid the price

>me don't remember
You fault. Few years ago UK agency was busted. UK is literally in charge of who will or who won't be elected in Spain. Not US but UK.
>random manager
>knew to much
Oh fuck off.

Ghost of Kiyv. That is why they can't find him.

Biden is tougher than you kids think. Hunter often got the belt, hence why he’s a heroine addict and let’s not forget 2 of Biden’s sons died early….he had them….Clintoned.

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he was a manager of Gazprom if i remember correct. That is the biggest company in that sector. Do you really think Putin doesn't have his hands in this?

Imagine if america killed their billionaires
Russia is corrupt af

Sure, Ivan. And the GRU thugs doing overseas wet work killing Russians who fell foul of Putin are all fake, huh? Polonium and all.