>go shopping to local supermarket
>pass by toys aisle
>flagship item is a fucking "influencer" kit
>childrens these days dont want to be astronaut but fucking instagram muse w/ fake life
>what are the political implications of this ?
>Is the west fucked ?

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Notice that it's a camera pointed at your child
Why are cameras pointed at your child being mass-marketed?
Because your children are.

This is ultimately the result of parents treating tablets like expensive toys for their kids before they move them onto phones.

They still have wypipo on the merchandise boxes in France?
We havent had that in years

>a kids toy

thats kinda cool

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People know that working hard won't get them a house and wife so fuck it go ahead and try at become a millionaire off of social media.

>muh cheap plastic toy that you use once and have to look at for years to come

Gen Alpha incoming

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It blows. I feel like I'm going to be peer pressured soon to let my daughter get online. That's how all this shit happens. It's only a few parents that think it's truly a good idea and their permissiveness leads to the whole house of dominoes coming down, as each and every child endlessly tantrums until they're allowed to have tiktok like the other kid, and then cycle begins anew.

>I feel like I'm going to be peer pressured
lol what a fuckn faggot little bitch

im more worried about that nigger energizer

wtf society has collapsed

Only Fans for beginners

>being susceptible to peer pressure for something you don't want

that's just a lot of things with kids. like this thread topic where most will just get bored in a few weeks. and if social media disappeared all the same problems and lessons would still be there in the world with fake people and kids learning to cope with a world outside their family. it's kinda fucking nothing.

>Fourthee oiro
>For a fucking phone stand and a green blanket
>Its like chinese decided to create toys just to leave your children disappointed and you bitter.

Thats pretty evil.

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what’s the difference?

so? i used to make videos with my friends, it was one of the most fun activities. we would make movies or do trick basketball shots, video cameras are awesome toys for kids

just don't be fuckin weird about it

If you dont make it to the ISS, you can still get a job as an above average engineer

The same implications of 20 years ago all boys wanted to be professional video game players and the girls all wanted to be professional makeup artists
Now they all want to be shills
Brb, have shill kits to make and shill to kids