What are the political implications of not using the Oxford Comma?

Honestly, it leads to way less confusion.

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Fuck using punctuation properly I dont give a fuck im not gonna be beholden to some fuckin dot or curvy looking dot I speak as a free man not some fuckin punctuation pussy bitch so when Im done speaking that’s when the punctuation can come by but honestly Im not even gonna do that

based beyond belief

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ive dropped all punctuation because it saves time life is short every second counts now i regret replying to this thread thats 30 seconds of my life ill never get back

OP you don't need the comma to disambiguate those because we can use our minds and know that the 2nd scenario is nonsense.

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fuck punctuation

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Fucking commacels.

You sound like a Nigger, sir.

Not using the oxford comma is wrong.

Based illiterate

Commas were invented to denote a pause, therefore putting a comma before 'and' is totally irrelevant.

Fkc wiritng properly thisblabguage is shttty anyway its tje msot sutpid langiage i are trie dever to learn anybody kills themyouself

You're a nigger who should die of AIDS.

amerimutt moment

italians know nothing about english grammar
you cant even speak it


It's fucking stupid and redundant, as the 'and' functions as a separator already.

>you need to use extra punctuation to remove the ambiguity of someone actually thinking that I'm speaking to anthropomorphized toast and juice
There is no ambiguity if you're not fucked in the head.

It's not even grammar you illiterate faggot

Grammer made for shackle white man mind
Jews invented
Reject grammar
Free mind

There is a pause before "and", retard.

there isn't

Canadian faggot begone. This at least I know how to write

That's not a woman, that's a pre-teen's body. Tranny chasers are not straight, they are hebephiles. Trannys themselves are sexual abuse victims. It's poetry.

There is.

>The Times once published an unintentionally humorous description of a Peter Ustinov documentary, noting that "highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector". Again, there is ambiguity as to whether the sentence refers to three distinct entities, or whether Mandela is being described as both a demigod and a dildo collector. The addition of a serial comma would not resolve the issue, as he could still be mistaken for a demigod, although he would be precluded from being a dildo collector