Which country has a more hopeless future?

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the jews already leeched our empire but we at least lost it honourably. america will lose superpower status while holding hands with israel.

>lost it honorably

Demoralization thread


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eat nigger shit demoral US going to be around for a long time
UK is fucked, only a matter of time before northern ireland reunifies, then eventually scotland.

definitely uk
what natural resources do they have?
usa is limitless

According to everyone on Any Forums, the US are the good guys now, trying to maintain a strong economy.

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UK is already fucked
brexit was last hope, but your elites just use it as an excuse for more neolib

Proof we are being raided right here

>brexit was last hope, but your elites just use it as an excuse for more neolib
Boris Johnson spun a 180 on policies. He lied to everyone about what he was.

lmao its over bruh, its over since 45, good morning sunshine.

The structure of history is, however, cyclical not evolutionary. It is far from being the case that the most recent civilisations are necessarily 'superior'. They may be, in fact, senile and decadent. There is a necessary correspondence between the most advanced stages of a historical cycle and the most primitive. America is the final stage of modern Europe. Guenon called the United States 'the far West', in the novel sense that the United States represents the reductio ad absurdum of the negative and the most senile aspects of Western civilisation. What in Europe exist in diluted form are magnified and concentrated in the United States whereby they are revealed as the symptoms of disintegration and cultural and human regression. The American mentality can only be interpreted as an example of regression, which shows itself in the mental atrophy towards all higher interests and incomprehension of higher sensibility. The American mind has limited horizons, one conscribed to e! veryth ing which is immediate and simplistic, with the inevitable consequence that everything is made banal, basic and levelled down until it is deprived of all spiritual life. Life itself in American terms is entirely mechanistic. The sense of 'I' in America belongs entirely to the physical level of existence. The typical American neither has spiritual dilemmas nor complications: he is a 'natural' joiner and conformist.

The primitive American mind can only superficially be compared to a young mind. The American mind is a feature of the regressive society to which I have already referred.

US still has an entrepreneural spirit and innovation drive, and steals the best talents from 3rd world countries

UK is just overpopulated and filled to the brim with 3rd world nationalities that keeps moving in while Brits not minding them at all.

My balls are hopeless as fuck

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limitless amount of niggers

The UK post-Brexit depends on the US consumer base for its export economy. In exchange for access to our consumer base the financial capital of world will be moved from London to NYC.

I'm not reading all this fucking shit

Britain has no future.

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>I'm not reading all this fucking shit
>which shows itself in the mental atrophy towards all higher interests
checks flag, checks out


>but we at least lost it honourably.
lol lmao