The guy with the cigar is jewish btw

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I don't like it when the shitlibs ever actually have a point. Time to abandon lolberg idealist nonsense and fix this shit already. The left degenerate enemy won't, "porky" pats a troon on the back and they coom themselves.

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no point in getting hung up on left vs right; the only thing that matters is the ruling class and their lackeys vs everyone else

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The viewpoint you just described is leftist

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I entertain a lot of fascist and monarchist thought. Again, left vs right is stupid. What matters is the ideas themselves.

I'm okay with kike-gasing as long as anglo scum also gets the rope

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Correct. Time to post my copypasta
>Christian despots use the church as a bank
>Christianity spreads throughout all of Europe, as does feudalism
>Catholic Church acts as a central Bookkeeping and Narrative service
>petty warlords played with the lives of regular European people for centuries
>Royal families use jews who had moved into Europe to run usury operations
>banking and merchant class emerges in Europe
>Catholic Church becomes as corrupt as you would imagine their immense power would lead them to be
>Protestant Reformation happens
>genuinely good ideas rooted in the teachings of Christ
>immediately co-opted by various European power structures to break free of the Catholic Church while still retaining their divine right to rule

>Eighty Years' War happens in The Netherlands
>led by (((merchants))), resulted in economic legislation in the Dutch Republic that favored merchants
>supported by protestant peasants who were under the rule of Spanish Catholics
>Glorious Revolution in England
>Dutch Republic invades England to spread these jewish economic reforms cloaked in the Narrative Protestant opposition to Catholic rule
>led to (((Dutch))) stock/bond bullshit being adopted by England

>American revolution spearheaded by rich English (((merchants))) and (((land speculators))) happens
>Cloaked themselves in a Narrative of Enlightenment ideals concerning justice and democracy
>Only 1/5th of the country could vote
>Government run by the rich for the rich
>proceeds to expand West in a genocidal land grab that was hidden behind the Narrative of Manifest Destiny

>becomes the largest and most well funded military empire on the planet
>becomes the center of finance and mass media
>control the Narrative and the Bookkeeping
>vast military industrial complex creates the internet
>corporate ruling class and the government they control attempt to censor and subvert it
>it mostly works, but not as much as they would like

Cointelpro is real and it never stopped.


There are very few good ideas on "the left."


fuck off commie scum
helicopter rides soon

take your memeflag off, shlomo. we know how much you kikes love to falseflag.

Power vacuum then another equally sociopathic group of homos takes over. Always the same (((shit))).

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prove exactly what I said wrong. No one cares about you being some contrarian user, nor your quibbles about parties, present the actual ideas as you claim matter, that "the left" specifically have that are correct.
I'm able to, I specifically pointed one out from first post, agreeing with your original claim.

Now do go and present others. Actually disprove this factual statement please, thank you.

>power vacuum
That's why building up solidarity among regular people is the most important thing. We all have to agree not to allow power to consolidate, and to hold power accountable. It's going to take a massive shift in consciousness across the whole planet, and the internet is the only thing that can enable that (short of nanobots or other scifi shit). That's why they spend so much money on narrative management and corral everyone into restricted platforms that only serve to further to divide us.

This is what the jews keep repeating since the 50's or 60's, used as excuse for all sorts of jewshit (including ongoing stupid psyops involving illegal human experimentation, stalking, ...) and doesn't consider lots of people are dumb, others are insane, there is a lot of censorship and gayops going on, many totalitarian mafias around the world, lots of assholes...

I'm not even going to entertain the left vs right dichotomy. I can only speak for my own ideas, and it basically boils down to the belief that democracy should exist everywhere. In the workplace, in the community, everywhere. Along with that, I believe that democracy doesn't necessarily mean voting - it means holding power accountable. If the people agree to kill the king if he doesn't work in their interests, then that's a democratic monarchy. The important thing is that the administrators of the systems that we live in aren't positioned above the rest of us, and they should in fact feel subservient to the rest of us. There should be no glamor or privilege conferred to people with administrative duties, and they should be kept on a very short leash.

the jewish psyops are the ones tricking you into distrusting your fellow man

Like I said, you know you are pure garbage, you aren't stupid and know how this stuff works, and this is the reason you began to appeal to New Age fake nice narratives during the last decades.

not a bad take

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How much sawdust did it take? I want to see the data.

I reject the New Age hippie bullshit that was literally a controlled opposition psyop from the beginning. See: Gregory Bateson, who was an "applied anthropologist" working for Allied intelligence during and after WWII. When he was younger, he observed how Russia dealt with Native Revival movements that threatened to turn into rebellions. What worked better than crushing them with force was allowing these movements to operate within the state's parameters, monitoring and manipulating it the whole way. Bateson later went on to became a major figure in the 60s New Age movement. Mindkiked hippies don't have a monopoly on believing that people can live together peacefully

Kek! Somehow I'd say schlomo is very interested in that data as well, user. Purely academic purposes of course.