I'm genuinely starting to think Jews aren't intentionally try to subvert white people

They're legitimately retarded enough to believe their own bullshit. Time and time again I keep seeing examples of jews falling for their own poison. Liberal jews being absolutely degenerate faggots who shoot porn and do drugs and fuck niggers, etc.
I'm starting to doubt they have this highly intelligent plan of subverting western nations with retarded liberalism. I do think they have high influence due to their nepotism. And I do think they're poisoning western nations. But I don't think it's as deliberate as Any Forums makes it seem. I think jews are genuinely retarded race with zero morals.

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There are black jews

im genuinely starting to think white people are retards, god thank u for not making me white

right. he made you a gypsy

i wish has mu kar

I went to a camp that was mostly jews as a kid.
Jews are retarded.
They also argue about fucking everything and lose their shit if you disagree, very low EQ

Yes jews are drinking their own diversity cool aid.
There is another thread sliding around pol about how jews are now the minority of 47 percent in Israel.

its not jews but THE jews - the zionists, the global kabal. Youre average jew is just a normal person like everyone else (excluding niggers and other ethnic types)

The whole religion is tied up in chosen people, being materially rewarded and tikum olam, and then they're also prone to schizophrenia
So a jew, who is prone to schizophrenia gets rich and develops megalomaniac delusions based on his religion and does Kool aid shit and then the jews get kicked out of another country
Really it's the normal jews' fault for not calling it out

Sacrificial lambs

It's intentional, it's just that they also bicker amongst themselves and only the most kikest of kikes are allowed in the upper echelons. All kikes are followers of satan as well, so it makes sense for them to be wholly depraved.

I disagree. Even average jews are libtarded faggots. E.g. hookup culture is not prevalent at all in hungary. I matched with a jewish girl on tinder (it's judapest after all) and this whore retard wanted a "strictly fwb" relationship. I was baffled. She was also ugly and I was extremely antisemtic so I called her an ugly jew and blocked her. But imagine a woman acting like that. Literally only jews and westerner "liberated" women act like that. Disgusting

I no longer care about intent.
only results matter.

Death to kikes

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Jews are like if you mixed a chink intelligence with nigger emotion

Does a parasite who doesn’t realize it’s killing the host make it any less of a parasite? No. Pull it out by the roots

There’s a difference between keeping girls you are cool with on the down low so you can fuck them, vs women like yeah just blow my pussy. I just want your dick. I like to at least imagine I have some connection with the girl I’m with.

kek, based af

they are more liberal on average but i was thinkin normal in the sense that they arent actively toppling regimes, flying to remote islands to sex kids and subverting/propagating people through media.

My theory is that the jews underestimate how much environmental damage they can take themselves, the jews who originally set the plan in motion did know what they were doing, the ones whose task is to keep going with the plan never got to see the full picture and therefore they believe their own lies.

This is an inherent problem of lying, eventually the entire structure collapse

What, you are telling me the people who have wasted centuries shaping the masses in their own image: into histrionic LARPing turbo faggots chasing dragons, don't know what they are doing? Oh my, I am shocked. Shocked I tell you. It's almost as if we are stuck in a generational Game of Telephone; as wageless wagies eternally bound to a corporation run into the ground by inbred nepotists.
Next thing you are telling me that these people, the fourth generation if you will, unlike the first generation that had meticiously crafted a grand plan; unlike the second generation that morphed it into a convoluted mess but still adhered to it; unlike the third generation that tried to piece it back together, have just thrown their hands into the air and started winging it, claiming all the random shit that is happening for the sake of their internal LARP.
Don't be ridiculous, fren. They wouldn't try to make you believe that they are omnipotent or omnsicient whilst lacking even basic common sense. They couldn't possibly get away with such daring gambit, for so long. What? What do you mean with 'As above, so below'? No, we aren't being sandwiched by surrogate NPCs from below and by arch NPCs from above. Everything is always going to plan, even if it doesn't, everyone knows that. They are infallible, totally. Just go to sleep.

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They get high on their own supply like scarface. The one thing they don't however is immigration to Israel, that's Jews only. In the end because they have an ethnostate and fight will all their power to prevent me from having one I will still hate them.