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My stuff is delivered

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niggers steal legos? why?

It's very expensive

niggers steal pretty much everything except sunscreen.


Why niggers don't steal batteries?

This. And if they can't steal it they will fuck it up for no reason at all.


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Easy to resell for almost full retail price. Most stolen goods have to be resold at large discounts.

Does anyone have the picture of the guy walking out of Target during the BLM riots holding a box of Legos?

Work boots?
Actually, they steal Tmberlands boots, but wear them as an ironic fashion statement.

You never see these screens at a Barnes & Noble.

Local toy store worker here. Niggers and crack heads like to steal legos so they can make a quick buck at small toy shops where they buy collections. The incentive to buy valuable legos from the toy stores owners is high because they can buy them cheap from the crackheads/niggers, then resell for like three times as much.


Fuck off
Stop relating everything to black people
You whites are no saints you are even worse !!!
Stop acting as if you built civilization

That Nintendo Lego set is nearly $300. Why is this such a shock for yall?

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A law was passed sometime before the million man BLM insurrections that if you steal less than $900 worth of goods then all you get is a slap on the wrist.

So 20 million niggers texted each other and now they all steal $900 worth of stuff every year. The Legos resale fast and the buyers are kids so it throws off the justice system a little bit.

Last year all the stores had to lock up all their gallon clothing detergent bottles with makeshift proximity sensors because all the Nigs were literally walking in and walking out with armloads of the stuff.

That's such a hateful thing to say.

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What third world shithole is this?

Niggers don’t have the smarts for eBay.

All the book stores around me have closed as the spic/nig population has grown. A coincidence I'm sure.


>Three men who stole more than £4,000 worth of Lego kits over two days have been given suspended jail sentences.


>Two men were arrested Monday after stealing nearly $4,000 worth of LEGOs from a pair of Meijer locations.

People steal legos everywhere stupid.

You've been conditioned to think it's normal. But this wasn't normal even 30 years ago really. Yes even though it's 300 dollars, there was a time when society was peacefully and honest enough that it could be displayed openly in stores. Those days are gone.

They can’t figure out how to put them in

Fake and gay, Legos are way too much like work for niggers to want to steal.

>Last year all the stores had to lock up all their gallon clothing detergent bottles with makeshift proximity sensors because all the Nigs were literally walking in and walking out with armloads of the stuff.

Retail theft is out of control all over the place. Even in my area. It wasn't this bad even a couple years ago.

you ever have your shit stolen? think that depends on the city too. i live in a nice place and have never gotten anything stolen (fingers crossed) then you watch videos of cock suckers stealing shit like the roaches they are baka

>A law was passed sometime before the million man BLM insurrections that if you steal less than $900 worth of goods then all you get is a slap on the wrist.
Well I guess we'll be able to arrest the niggers again for stealing 'small' shit as next year at this time $900 will be like $9 today.

Ben and Jerry setup camera just like fagbook

Fuck... I've been found out!

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>niggers steal legos? why?
Lego is pretty much the perfect currency for thieves and money launders.

#1. Stolen merchandise cannot be tracked or identified, one Lego set is identical to another.

#2. The market is huge and global.

#3. Stolen merchandise can easily be sold for retail prices.

#4. It's extremely easily to transact tens of thousands of dollars in Lego.

#5. It's extremely easy to buy/sell Lego for cash in local markets.

#6. Lego appreciates 30%-50% in value within 12 months of a set leaving retail shelves and will typically hit a minimum of 200% value within 5 years.

That 3rd world shithole would be every single major city in America.

We are sorry to report the Nigger infestation is beyond maximum tolerances. The police have stopped policing them after the George Floyd Riots. If you are in a city you must be armed or you will be Mugged at gunpoint by a Black with a Pistol.

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Even if it wasn't normal years ago, it still makes sense to lock it up. People don't want a busted up box after idiots manhandle the project, drop it, slide it across the ground, their stupid kids step on it, without intending to buy it.

Niggers aren’t fit for western civilization, why do we keep trying?

I'm surprised Democrats haven't declared glass security doors to be racis

You ever worry one of your workm8s will look up from their phone, look behind them, look to their left, then right, then behind them again, then straight at you and say 'what the fuck you posting pics 4'

unironically yes. Textbooks are well known to be of value if resold to college students who need them.

Muttmarica is crumbling and on its last legs.

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>Don't steal money
>Steal 1 lego Starwars
The whitest robber

They can sell it