Can pol at least admit that niggers are good at sports and entertainment

Can pol at least admit that niggers are good at sports and entertainment

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I can admit that no amount of niggerball talent will make you a white man.

Sports? Sure
Entertainment? No

basketball and football and track, yes. I wouldn't say so much baseball if they want to cope and count the spics. And definitely not hockey ever.

they also know how to fuck better than white men

they make the rap music, very cool

>and entertainment
What kind of entertainment? Nigger actors are terrible. Maybe music but rappers sound disgusting.

To fuk each other in prison is all !

It's obvious niggers are good at a variety of things. So are German Shepherds , but that doesn't make them human !

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They used to be. But actual talent and effort has become less useful than having the right opinions.

>good at sports
And a gorilla is much stronger than a human.
>muh entertainment
Who runs the entertainment industry?

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this may sound like a cope but i dont think being good at sports is all that great. Its kind of similar to being good at rapping, youre not going to do anything with it unless youre top 1% and vast majority will never achieve that. Would anyone trade being 20% better than all people at sports compared to being 20% smarter than the average person? Not likely

if you find bball entertaining you must have single digit iq

he broke the minds of chuds so badly they robbed him of a title to avoid the seething on twatter

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do you not realize why niggers are the best at basketball
If you're a white kid going to school and you look at the sports teams available.
Sport A has a mix of all races.
Sport B is all white people.
Sport C is all niggers.
Which sport are you going to play?
You should be able to guess which sport is which just from me telling you the racial composition.
I'm not even a sportsfag and it is incredibly obvious.

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jews and nigger lovers

They use magnets in the ring and metal inside the ball - it has been proven. FFS there was a video where they turned the magnet too high in the NBA and the ball just stuck to the ring. Look it up on YT.

You realize that insult doesn't upset anyone, right?

sooo they are good at nothing important att all?

In entertainment, we are not laughing with the funny nigger niggering, we are laughing at them.