the american ruling class consists of murderers, thieves, abusers, and pedophiles. why would anyone support them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>You're the one trying to supress criticism of the powerful
>15 years in prison for fake news about the russian army
>prison time for insulting the president
>prison time for questioning the actions of the state

That's the point, stupid. People who don't want us questioning the actions of the most powerful people on the planet don't have Western values and would fit in a lot better with the drunkent retarded slav(e)s in Russia or the Ukraine.

Bribes, gibs, participation in crimes, members of the mafia, dumbasses being fooled, ...

wtf i love favellamonkeys now

And you are a fag.

Most of what the banks are doing is nonsensical, so no one.

One of the major issues that would arise if this gay system ever ended is the fact many businesses need a constant source of loans and if the money wasn't printed, those loans (or investments) would dry out and maybe never get paid to the real creditor that really handed over money to them.

Now if this is an issue of incompetence and dozens of scams mixed with the market being unstable and everything necessary for the businesses to work being overpriced, or if there is no way out of this, I don't know.

The government works similarly.

Attached: brazilified.png (578x496, 521.34K)

Democratically controlled local credit unions giving low-interest loans to local democratically managed / worked owned businesses, giving modest dividends to the members of the credit union. (((finance capitalism))) was a mistake.

CJ refuses to acknowledge the JQ, she is worthless as a journo.

dumb belter misses the point, like a village idiot, and goes on a rant about Russia.

I still get reflexively defensive on behalf of the Empire to this day, and I know better. Normies don’t stand a chance of figuring it out.

I don't intend to live with leftists any longer. there are places they can go to do leftism to each other all they want, they need to leave this country or jump in a box, I don't care which.

If she's anything like me, she acknowledges it in private and understands that it's fucking pointless to talk about it in public. You can just say (((bankers))) and (((the media))) and you get the same points across without revealing your powerlevel.

Don't give random people on Twitter a platform


>t. Retard who falls for Divide and Conquer memes
the only division that matters is the ruling class vs everyone else, and nobody should trust anyone who wants to be a part of a ruling class. in fact, we should just kill anyone who desires power.

>15 years in prison for protesting dragqueen childrens story hour
>prison time for not getting your weekly booster
>prison time for missing your mandatory holocaust education classes

>why would anyone support them
Upvotes, validation, and being entirely devoid of critical thinking. I believe everyone has the capacity to make their own educated decisions but when you hear someone say
>it’s dangerous to do your own research
Know they are far too retarded to be trusted with anything, especially opinions about your family’s health.

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I unfortunately have to interact with a dirty yid every once in a while, and he basically said that regular people can't be trusted to make their own medical decisions. I wanted to kill him then and there.

she thinks american citizens are Freer than russians

Attached: 911.jpg (1280x720, 75.6K)

You know jannies won’t be dissuaded with your clever tactic, right?

"""my""" nation will imprison me for protesting an illegitimate election that every single person here saw stolen on live TV, why would claiming that the leader of a foreign country that I dont live in is a despot affect me in any way?

Well take solace in the fact that all he means by that is
>I’m a coward

too late everybody sold out

No bitch… you go to back to the pale

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