Conservatives be like “I avoid principles on principle”

Conservatives be like “I avoid principles on principle”

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That's a RINO keep coping

It's too bad it's the only thing keeping us from going 200% Africa, but I hate women so much I want them to suffer from this law. What to do, what to do.

>libtards pretend to hate the guy who is handing them free elections on a silver fetus

>it's the only thing keeping us from going 200% Africa
You're a fucking retard. Instead of a population that has always been low 10% you should worry about spics who keep increasing at an alarming rate

It's almost like he's helping to lay the foundation for the next election steal...
>oops! looks like you tried to ban abortion and all of america decided to vote in the democrats to keep the uniparty stalemate going for 2 more years! tough break!

They've always been 10% because of abortion. This won't stop replacement migration either way.

>women being cancelled by trannies and conservatives
They deserve it since they are the reason the west is dead anyway.

Girl name is a neocon grifter. Kill yourself.

>Conservatives be like “I avoid principles on principle”
Lindsey Graham is controlled opposition. He has no principles and he isn't a Conservative. He's doing this in order to help sabotage the election in Democrap's favor. He fist-bumped Kamala after the 2020 election and refused to help Trump to contest it. He's a RINO traitor like McCain and Romney. Don't trust him!

Attached: Kamala Harris, Sen. Lindsey Graham Fist-Bump On Senate Floor.webm (640x360, 220.26K)

The ONLY reason GOP say "it goes to the states" is so they can ban it on the state level. That is what they ALWAYS mean by "goes to the states".

If they can ban it on the federal level they will. if they can't, they will make it "go to the states".

Well, they haven't been canceled. The abortion bans only affect red states right now, and that alone lost them the senate. Now Graham is making sure they tank their chances with the house as well. Looks like you incel bros used all your energy too quick in the fight, and now the democrats and women will win again and codify abortion into federal law.

Attached: _113919861_hi045965426.jpg (976x549, 60.26K)

Abortion is not a losing issue. It didn't "cost us" anything, it will gain us plenty.

Yeah, plenty of niggers.

>Lindsey Graham


that faggot sucks both sides of the aisle


>this bullshit again
You’re too stupid to be here

Do tell how it's bullshit that preventing the nigger population from snuffing itself out won't lead to more of them existing in the future.

>Conservatives be like “I avoid principles on principle”
Nobody has ever accused Lindsey of being a conservative or principled. He's the slimiest snake of a politician on levels most will never attain. He introduced a bill with zero chance of passing that is hard to explain in any way other than controlled opposition.

Linsey Graham Lady-G is a uniparty leftist, i bet this bill is funded by Planned Parenthood so they can establish a national 'two-weeks to murder your baby' standard. That would let Planned Murderhood be operational in all 50 states.
He's certainly not a conservative.

They Supreme Court told Congress if they want federal abortion laws, they have to actually pass them instead of using judicial fiat.

Neocons are doing their damndest to make sure MAGA candidates don't take over the party.

everything Republicans say is bullshit kek

We need a nationwide ban on right wing government establishment homosexual fags especially in any occupations of "authority" like police and any social positions involving access to kids specifically boys. Where is that bill?

We need a nationwide ban on right wing government establishment violent obscene porn degeneracy? Where are these fucking bills at?

Attached: righty government establishment pets.jpg (480x320, 26.38K)

Correct. Op is an obvious shill and also a homosexual.

Attached: 6td0vg.jpg (731x437, 52.81K)

>Abortion is not a losing issue
Keep telling yourself that, buddy. And every poll that comes out showing Republicans doing worse and worse will be "fake". Then when Republicans actually lose like the polls said they would, it will be "rigged". It couldn't be possible that a party that does literally nothing about immigration(their biggest draw) isn't popular. Then they openly mock and disparage young voters by calling them lazy shits for not wanting to be in debt slavery from college their whole lives meanwhile they constantly pass tax cuts for themselves. Just need to pull those bootstraps up and work three jobs for shekelberg just to pay your debt.

This is literally retarted. Its almost like he is purposely trying to make republicans loose in November.