Ban the AR-15

Tell me again why you need an assualt rifle. The AR-15 was created for only one purpose: to kill multiple people fast. How many kids have to die? How many Nazi mass shootings do you want? Justify owning an assualt rifle.

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For shooting at cops and politicians


>tell me why you need ine
Fuck you thats why

>Tell me again why you need an assualt rifle
To prevent government overreach.

Do you Nazi incels believe a few assualt rifles will stop the military from eradicating you? I know military generals, and they tell me that the power of the USA military is exceedingly strong. The military has the power to eradicate MAGA radicals at the drop of a father. You are powerless.

All of them

>How many kids have to die?

Attached: all-of-them.png (500x650, 179.97K)

>I know military generals
tell me, are there military generals in the room right now?

Unalienable right granted by the creator.
Try reading the constitution sometime fuckwit

>I know military generals

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Eliminating political rivals using the army eh?
They're maga insurgents and "a danger to democracy" so encamp em or kill em.

Soviet playbook.

A document written 2000 years ago by racist psychopaths? Fuck that. We need a new constitution.

I need it to make fags like (you) angry


cuz fuck you.
i don't care how many babies the FBI kills with their false flag mass shooters

To set a precedent, when a disgusting nigger like you says "you can't have that" I get it.

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>A document written 2000 years ago by racist psychopaths? Fuck that. We need a new constitution.
I agree, we need a new constitution that is less pozzed and which outlaws Judaism and Usury, and which is built on Divine Law, God willing.

We will kill you first
>inb4 won't do shit
OK, make a move then nigger faggot

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Thats the bible, you literal retard. I need an ar15 to take out waves of cops and military trying to take my land.

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Lol you are nuts. They have tanks and nuclear weapons. What the fuck are you going to do when they drop an atomic bomb on your house?

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
2A says I am the army of the United States and my purpose is to own weapons to defend the constitution from people like you.

>Tell me again why you need an assualt rifle
-i want one
-go fuck yourself

>assault rifle
God I wish I could own an assault rifle. I just have a basic bitch semi automatic.

>I know military generals

They're after your precious bodily fluids, but you won't believe me until it's too late.

If you don't have guns, YNGMI. Imagine unironically caring about sensationalist media about how dangerous the heck in guns are. Absolute bug man behavior. Physical removal is required, so to speak.

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glow niggers with an intermediary passthrough server, stealing all our data thinking we cant notice it. I see you glow niggers.

Trips of truth

Violent commies and other totalitarian filth are more than enough reason.


this is a retarded B8 thread

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Weak Bait


>justify something that is already legal
haha noob

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ask them why Afghanistan is free from U.S occupation?

Fag, you should be preoccupied with the amount of niggers shooting each other, they're the ones rising the stats up. Thank the Jew for this