Why do I feel guilt when I commit evil?

I have to screw other people in life in order to get ahead but every single time I feel guilt after I do it. Why does this happen? I will never stop cause life doesn’t forgive timidity, how do I make guilt go away?

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How did you screw someone over, LARP-user?

scammed them for money, usually

He voted KOULIS

Go to a church and do a confession then stop doing it

Fuck off wojak faggot

How do you scam someone for money IRL?

>Go to a church and do a confession then stop doing it
Go to a church and do a confession then keep doing it, you mean. If you were to stop, no need for a confession. God would reward you anyway.

The logos. The way of things. You aren't supposed to be evil. It's like asking "Why do gays get strange stds"

Email people and tell them they've been chosen to join the illuminati

>find dropped wallet in class
>give it back to owner who is a vocal retard in class who constantly asks dumb questions to suck up
>still think how I should have taken the money and thrown it back on the ground
Sometimes it sucks having a soul and understanding morality

Because screwing people in life is probably not your true role in life.

realize that people also have a sense of self like you do and that you're sacrificing your moral integrity for pointless material wealth and the rat wheel chase

Beczuse you know you shouldnt do it?

Because you're white, a Christian and have a Christian moral compass.
Chinks would sell their wives for heroin if they could, in Buddhism life has no value as its in an endless cycle of reincarnation, so death means nothing and life means nothing.

Romans 2:14
When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them

Guilt after committing evil is a clear sign of the law being written on your heart. Clear proof of the existance of Biblical morality- it is instilled in every single person.
Repent, turn to the Catholic Church, and achieve Christlike greatness.

Congratulations you have pure orthodox blood and are therefore a good person

Buddhist are nice but yes they're very money oriented. When I told my wifeid call a Jehovah's witness to the house she said and how much would he charge.

Hmmm a few things:

1. You feel guilt because you know it's evil and you know it takes you away from God

2. You feel empathy for the victims you're hurting, likely because you've been hurt in a similar way before.

Break the cycle of abuse, foster the seed of honor within you and turn to the Lord. He will give you far greater riches than any scam. The price of disregarding this is your eternity.

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>I have to screw other people in life in order to get ahead
No you don't. Have you tried working together in cooperation?

you are too dumb to be evil, its self protection mechanism

The guilt is just honor leaving you OP.

There is no place for honor, not on this gay planet

Objective Morality.

(((Brainwashing))). Jews are the only moral people on Earth and have brainwashed goyim to feel guilt for moral actions. You should return to nature: OUST THE JEW.

Nicotine, alcohol, cocaine. Go.

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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil

Because screwing people over isn't the real purpose of life.

You feel guilty because on the inside you know you're missing the point.

The people who don't feel guilty, or who can't feel guilty - these are people with problems.

OP is a giant faggot simple as

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Because you are a conscious being who knows what they are doing will negatively effect other people. And the Bloodthirsty, Genocidal God YHWH has nothing to do with it if that is what you are suggesting. Because Morality does not come from the Bible.

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This is what christcuckery does to people. There are certain natural law principles that you must adhere too, such as dont steal, and outside of that you are morally free to compete as hard as you want. Morality is pretty simple and clear when you dont grow up in the slave religion.

"Hey bros, I'm 14"