Sentinelese deserve this

Why not do this with the North Sentinel island

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muh morality

Bump. It would unironically be hilarious hahahaha

impersonating God is the deepest sin

Jokes on us the ayys are having a blast already

The drone face makes no claim to be god.

the real redpill is knowing that aliens probably did this to humans a few thousands of years ago

I want this to happen just because it is so outrageously wrong.

How about just flying that enormous blue-glowing face over the island and refuse to elaborate further then?

Leave them alone, do not bring them the horrors of civilization.

I will come with my weapons and kill you straight there if you attempt this. I’ll stay unpunished and you know this.

Funny though. Do it for the lulz, you know? Nothing meant by it. Judging by His interactions with Terry, the big man would understand.

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You will also have to go back.

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and this


Nah. You can 100% understand whats going on with religion and god simply by ordering psychedelic drugs to your mailbox from darknet marketplaces today. For like 10 euros you can see through all this. It is hilarious when you think about it. Such ignorance because of FEAR.


Because they have computers, solar batteries and shit. There's no uncontacted tribes, that bullshit.

deepest impersonating is the sin God

This, don't push shit onto them they do not want

We should genocide them

Trolling the fuck out of them is very tentative but if they begin doing stupid shit afterwards, like burning the place up or sacrificing their children we would feel obligated to intervene and babysit those niggers.
We've done enough social experiments/trolling (like slave trade, colonization, giving females the right to vote, not killing faggots and jews, etc). It always ends up backfiring because we are too good natured, our only interaction with inferiors should be to kill them from now on.
Maybe aliens don't show up because of that, they are babysitting too many spacenigger species and when they fly over and see us pointing our arsenals at them they just skip the planet. Or maybe they just don't exist and all this alien mythology is just NASA marketing in order to fool dumb americans into thinking there may be a reason for spending billions other than ICBMs and spy satellites (this is more likely)

No you won’t.

Op Dewitt. It’ll be funny and that seething eurocuck will cry about his pet monkeys being riled. Win/win.

what exactly would you gain by being a god of the 2nd most backwards group on the planet?
a hand full of feathers and bones?
a minimum wage job would earn you far more benefits and comforts.

Yet kikes still roam free.

How great of a God.

That's not impersonating God. It's pretending to be a god. If you're monotheistic, then there shouldn't be a problem since there are no 'lowercase' gods to impersonate.

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Yet you bow down to kikes, curious.