Escalation imminent

Over the last several weeks I feel like some major happening is going to happen. Maybe not instantly, but it feels like we've started rolling down the slippery slope, with each day faster and faster. There is this whole uneasy feeling in the air. Am I the only one who feels like that? Am I just being a shizo?

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Take Meds

>Am I the only one who feels like that? Am I just being a shizo?

Nah it's normal, it's all planned/designed that way


"They/Elite/Deepstate/WEF/Kabal" need the common person self-destructive/suicidal
and in a constant state of ouroboros/flux's to lower the collective Human psyche

The Left are perfect being Angry/Scared/Selfish add this with 1G/2G/3G/4G/5G/
(Electric/Radio/Wi-fi/ Waves and Media/FB/Tik-Tok/Intergram)
+ MK Ultra/MK Naomi/Operation Northwoods/Project Mocking Bird/The Gate Program/Tuskegee Experiments + mRNA Vaccine
(Government Mind Control) google the patents 3,951,134/ 4,717,343/ 4,877,027/ 4,858,612/
5,123,899/ 5,270,800/ 5,289,438/ 5,159,703/ 5,507,291/ 5,539,705/ 5,629,678/ 6,006,188/ 6,011,991/
(Over 50 patents. Just Google for yourself)

WEF-Blackrock/Vanguard Group/New World Order/Black Awakening/
(Clintons/Gates/Soros/Rockefellers/Buffets/Madoffs/Murdoch's foundations)
It's all ultimately Division/Manufactured, decline of Spiritual/Moral/Cultural decay the
Blue/Green/Rainbow hair, LGBTQP1/0AI+
(Left Social Justics Warriors) Cult/MSM news followers/Sheep/Slaves/Goy)
It's all designed division.
Hence the Trannies, Race Mixing, Sexual Promiscuity, Open Borders, Lose laws ect.
The Dunning-Krueger effect, the cognitive bias of illusory superiority
(They will never understand ie the Sheep/Cattle/Goy/ NPC/Slave/Peasants)

"Green Agenda2021/2030/Black Awakening/$0y/Vegan eating bugs and living in pods
subservient to the Government Establishment ie Goy/Cattle/Slaves/Sheep/NPC/"

Attached: Klaus Schwab being Evil.png (1085x1085, 831.37K)

Lotta happening threads today

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Nope it’s here, reset

>There is this whole uneasy feeling in the air.
>Am I just being a shizo?

Yes and yes.

I feel the same, but I remember that nothing ever happens

lots of AI art posts these days

"They/Elite/Deepstate/WEF/Kabal" are playing silly Chess moves because
they may be running out of artificial Aether (Basically Time)
Sacrifices to Archons/Moloch/Baal/Baphomet/Egregores
insert desired affect/God/Source/ect


>The Great Reset
>Build Back Better
>New World Order
>Green Agenda
>Agenda 2021
>Agenda 2030
>Black Awakening

SolAr EVENT 2030 (Great Awakening Supernatural Resonance/Beauty/Compassion)
(Doesn't happen then\\2030//, It's now 2022, until then \\2030//)
[369High] [Positive Subconscious Patterns/Emotions/Thoughts]
Energy/Frequency/Vibration (Mind/Body/Soul) (Father/Son/Holy Spirit)
Egregores 9-1 ( 8 ) Egg is the Boat! you're the Sailor!
(Math/Magic/Faith, it's not beyond Science or Fiction)
41(5_232_5)04 Dual Polyhedron
That's 4 God's/Sources of Light and Creation 1 who represents all with God/Source in the middle of the square,
3 Goddess/Sources of Fate, and 4 of depth, space and time, 4 Death Gods/Sources represented by 1,
with the mother nothing in the middle _232_(VOID/Creation)


[Below is what's happening now]
(But your all NPC/Goy/Sheep/Cattle/ (Justifying myself for you, I won't have too)

Agenda 2030 (Black Awakening/New World Order Artificial Cognitive Dissonance/Beastly/Merciless)
(Doesn't happen then\\2030//, It's now 2022, until then \\2030//)
[369Low] [Negative Subconscious Patterns/Emotions/Thoughts]
Energy/Frequency/Vibration (Mind/Body/Soul) (Man/Machine/Un-Holy Spirit)
Ego 1-9 8 Ego is only the Sailor not the Boat!
04(5_232_5)41 Octahedron Cube
That's 4 God's/Sources of Dark and Creation 1 who represents all with God/Source in the middle of the square,
3 Goddess/Sources of Fate, and 4 of depth, space and time, 4 Living Gods/Sources represented by 1,
with the mother nothing in the middle _232_(VOID/Creation)

Attached: Klaus Schwab being Evil2.jpg (484x270, 15.3K)

Same bro I feel the same

Russia is finally going to pay its karmic debt.
I would be extremely worried if I was you. Chances are 80% you will get nuked.

It's just your imagination.

>each day faster and faster
Sounds like a manic breakdown kek

two more weeks bro

Adventures of the guy who just started paying attention

Same feeling.
Very hard to concentrate on work knowing it all will be irrelevant soon.
Got the urge to buy canned foods yesterday.
Talked to parents about how violent it will become once the titty that is the state can't provide for its people.
People that in the old times would be exiled due to not handling the stress or intense cooperation that will be required are going to swarm any and all sustainability.
Today's people of wheat and cream don't understand why thiefs had their hands chopped off or got similarly harsh punishments.
These were the individuals who toppled any attempt at rationing, killing several people indirectly through starvation.

Well we are at war! A war where very few people actively trying to kill us while asking us to smile at the same time, or you will be marked as rude. You look around and there are still plenty of happy people that will nod their heads at you in disproval because you are resisting the culling. Do you realize how completely mental that is?

There is nothing wrong with you. It’s the others that are completely insane.

You striked ukrainian dam and powerplants. That is pretty big escalation for cuck warfare.

>he thinks the nukes will only go at one country

>Ukraine war
>Vax injury
>International money laundering
>Intentionally destroying farms, grains and energy plants
>Respecting women
>Telling people to cut off their genitals
>Believing in satan
Having to shit is a happening.. stop bumping this

Go. Out. Side

September 24th

Well seeing as you're a representative of the vatnigger horde, I'd say your feelings are pretty accurate. Your recent escalation towards civilian infrastructure may have unwanted consequences for you and the rest of squad punya

Russia will be a small country on the outskirts of Eastern Europe soon. The US and China will carve up the resources rich areas in Siberia between themselves.

>he thinks Russian or Chinese nukes work.

>having war with a neighbouring country
>full scale sanctions of the west against you
>another war emeraging right at your borders
>recruting fucking prisoners for your army
>only countries supporting you are chinkmanland, north korea and iran
>"Hm something is changing"

Dunno user, must be the corocodile drug you injected into yourself yesterday

Worth reflecting on this post, its quite possible.

I follow the news cycle literally as it breaks and the entire russia thing is about to spill over into ww3.

I dont want to shill for a particular side. But its clear to me that this mainly due to the west and its unqualified and incompetent leaders. Especially all the women there. This can go nuclear, i give it 70-80% that we‘re on a direct collision course. Especially because western leaders are weak and feminin. This will not end well