Autocracy is when no minoritarian Jewish subversion.

Attached: 8C545310-6B2D-4374-B1F2-4EF063FD8523.jpg (1168x1416, 198.91K)

>democracy good but only when progressive

Attached: 6b5.png (1006x813, 65.02K)

eutards can't belive that we don't want fags and rapefugees in our streets

Attached: Hungarian-parliamentary-elections.png (1311x3163, 1.05M)

Isn't that the point of representative democracies?

You elect a bunch of people to have authority over you, which is then euphemised as "democratic", as you agreed which color your chains will have.

>EU BTFO Orban
would debate the btfo
since they doing this for a decade and got nowhere

Attached: Orbán_chill.png (1024x578, 256.67K)

I want to move to Hungary and get a trad wife.

Hungardy doesn't like jews, they don't like rapefugees and they don't like troon faggots grooming their children. That's enough. Kick the chuds out of the EU.

No shit

Oh no! Not a denouncement! lmao the absolute state of yuropoors

My guess democracy has some totally different meaning for euro kikes.

>EU parliament

Any day now

Hungary actually has a very good relationship with Israel and has many jews within it's border.


>Stay in line or we will declare you as a dictatorship
can someone nuke brussels

Why not offer them TWO bike paths to topple their democratically elected leader

Succinct summary of the dynamic.

what these charts don't tell you is that Fidesz is completely hogging the Hungarian media and pushing an insane amount of propaganda through it similarly to a country like Russia.

They control so many popular tv channels, newspapers, radio channels and websites, that even people who genuinely believe that they are well-informed (because they inform themselves from multiple sources) only consume Fidesz propaganda. There are also cases of them shutting down radio channels or newspapers that sided with the opposition. Orbán also refuses to do debates with the opposition so there is no way to disprove his lies publicly, in the end these cases just end up in the court where they get some small fine for it like 2 years later when hardly anyone remembers or cares about it anymore.

Name those cases. Radio frequencies are won by auction.

>opposing racial replacement is undemocratic

>Orbán also refuses to do debates with the opposition so there is no way to disprove his lies publicly
LMAO, I didn't even get this far before replying, if I read this first, I wouldn't even have bothered.
This is not America. Candidates don't hold public debates. But thanks anyway, RAND Corporation.

I hope they push Hungary into china's hands more, I'd like to see the EU reaction when they join the SCO.

you don't have debates before elections? Lol wtf

>Honorary Jew
>Hating Jews
This is what happens with your brain on pol

We got too cocky EU democratic bros...

>No public debates before election
Then you're getting what you deserve.