How do i make a woman who has a crush on me lose interest?

So there’s a girl I’m not even remotely attracted to and I told her I want her only as a friend. She’s a good friend but I want nothing else to do with her. How do I make her attraction to me vanish? She just doesn’t seem to understand that I’m not fucking interested

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Go no contact. Anything less will just make her more attracted to you.

She wants the BGC

Tell jer you are a Turk

do a 360 and walk away

Talk about your (gayest) feelings with her.
Fart and pick your nose in front of her.
Don't ever look her in the eyes.
Tell her you recently got really into MLP and FunkoPOP collecting.

Why not just fuck and then dump she'a surw to leave you alone afterwards

cry in front of her

Tell her you were born with a micropenis

Just tell her you have a STD.
If that's not an option joke about having a STD at every opportunity.
Eventually she'll associate you with disease.

Talk about the jews and their crimes, that will make her lose interest real quick

Watch this video:

thats still the same direction retard

The fart and pick your nose didn't work for i'm married.

just flat out reject her.

have sex with her and she will lose interest. Especially if you are extra affectionate.

Beat her to death

good bait

These are how you get married if you're a Chad. Please kill me, no one warned me farting on a girl would lead to this.

No contact unless you want to be accused of rape

easy, just be emotionally vulnerable in front of her, her pussy will dry up faster than the Aral sea

what the fuck is wrong with you

Also save all communications that you had

And fuck off nigger

Also finger in the pooper usually works, that and telling them they're an ugly whore

Tell her directly, that you're not interested at all and to please not contact you again.

>How do I make her attraction to me vanish?
Fuck her once, but make it a really bad fuck.