>25 million animals slaughtered every day in USA alone

So, who will work the slaughter houses to then go home to their loving family every evening and pretend they see and do things that their family would find abhorrent if ever forced to do themselves once you have made migrant labor illegal?

Germany imports all its temporal workers for the slaughterhouses, because what German would want to dice and gut chickens all day?

Attached: Screenshot_2022-09-15 how many pigs are slaughtered every day in - Google Search.png (730x177, 11.94K)

Yeah slaughterhouse workers' minds are part of the human cost of meat. They're a step below Facebook gore/kiddie porn moderators, if you can believe it.

The future is vegan

Some people are just detached from nature and abhore s little blood & guts and thinks that's how things really are.

implying ethical ramifications of feeding people your lab grown "substitutes" won't also require soulless migrant bodies to mass produce.
I think the sole fact that slaughter hosue workers have to not jsut see or hear, but smell, feel and even taste the gore infront of them makes it 10x worse.

locals dont kill these animals. it is ALL migrants in western countries who do this.
Your homely and friendly Butchers already get the gutted and carved corpse to then only slice appropriately.
They never even see a feather from the chicken breasts they sell or the hide from the cows whose meat they serve.

Have you read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"? It's about the human cost of slaughterhouses. Written in early 1900s, one of the most influential American books ever, very political.

>humans can't digest plants
>thinks they can live on a diet made of plants
crohn's disease is literally caused by vegetables
almost all inflammation in the gut is caused by greens
seed oils, soi, gluten, it doesn't fucking matter

>Have you read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"?
In Germany the novel Berlin Alexanderplatz has a chapter dedicated to the horrors of a slaughter house which was also considered similarly influential.

I’ve been a butcher before. It’s not that bad and the work is very rewarding. The pay is okay if you’re efficient and the insurance is good. The best part is heavy discounted or free meat.

Cheap immigrant labor is needed because wages are the biggest profit eating factor in this business

Sissy leaf has no idea what he’s talking about.

Every thing is very clean, fresh, and we’ll refrigerated.

No lingering smell unless you’re cooking or spicing meat

Are you a pussy or something?
>sees flag

You absolute moron.
I am not talking about your butcher summer job at Food Lion.
I mean the actual slaughter houses where animals come in alive and leave eviscerated, headless and exsanguinated.

Those palces are not "clean and sterile" unless you cook or are using spices kek. You moron no one cooks at a slaughter house.

look at meat exports to china
we wouldnt have to kill that many animals if it werent for china

lmao fuck off with that excuse.
Even if it were only half of that number, there wouldnt be enough westerners to do the job.

That's true


vast majority of these animals wouldn't exist if we didn't breed them to eat and in general we kill shit more humanely than a lot of other places

I dont care about the animals. I get people want to eat meat and therefore we need a lot of animals.
Im jsut asking who but little brown people who spit when they speak will slaughter these animals for hungry westerners?


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