Woman attempts to meet 13 yo girl to teacher her sex

A woman in Colorado attempted to meet a 13 years old child to teach her about sex and kissing. She even had brought a "toy" for the girl.


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I'm to lazy to watch it but is that a
Pedo hunting group?

not my problem, America wants this


>A woman

>mam will you have a seat for me

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Why are women acting so weird lately?

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nice groomer
what you expect?
>need to round them up asap

That's a man

I bought that it was a woman for 0 seconds

show flag kike

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also kys memeflaggot. death to all memeflags.

dam that lady is kinda hot not gona lie, she has a milf vibe going on, esp when her dress lifted up a bit, saw a bit of hair . MMMM hot!

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Weird how about 99.9% of mtf trans are "lesbians".

I actually assumed it was an old hag by the thumbnail. 2 seconds in the video and I’m greeted by ‘her’ Heman voice.


as if a fat ugly bitch like that would ever get cat called, fuck off

>Thumbnail pic
>It's a man baby
If I can tell from a grainy 7mmx7mm thumbnail on a Cantonese origami website that's a man what must it look like irl.

They're either lesbians or pedophiles.

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sure are a lot of ugly ass women running around in 2022.

chris chan is the polar opposite of a pedo.

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Looks like a pedokike man in drag.

Yeah, that was a way of saying that they are still 100% straight males inside.

perfect comment section for smart red pills -
stats, slippery slope was a strategy all along


>Trans people can't pas-


yea and they get pissy if women wont let em go down for a fuck either. they call em MTF bigots or some shit lol,.

>look at that hair, o baby this is one hot MILF!

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She gets to walk... LMFAO

We need auto detect feature to weed out mental defectives like this so normal people like us can form special relationships with picrel. Picrel requires a lot of attention and care and resources, but not from mental defectives.

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"she" lmfao

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This. The trans movement is just a disguise for sick fuckers to hide behind, because it gives them a movement with political power behind it. I have no problem with ladyboys or people who were born into the wrong sex, but they're getting dwarfed lately by these sick fuck heterosexual men creepers sneaking into their identity group.

>Verification not required.

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lmao even.

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is that dee Snider? Talk about twisted sister.

top banter

That's not a woman, that's a MA'AM

It’s funny how men think throwing on a dress will make lesbian women want to suck their dicks
It’s like some weird horseshoe-effect type thing

all these "pedo hunter" guys follow the same script lol. they copy each others channels, remember the DAP guys, they got shot by a guy they tried to gang up on like this, very dumb idiots to corner these mentally insane fruitloops who are probably armed. but the more hilarious thing is how they claim its to protect the children when we know good and well that its for the youtube views and adsense money...

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>we aren't going after your kids

stfu boomer

I can't stop thinking about you Kayla

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I genuinely wonder whether it's common arrogance that drives them to do this, or just mental illness. Like, if a man put on a cow costume, and expected to be treated like a cow, most people would think that's insane. So what gives, and why are they taken seriously?

>A woman
You are a funny guy lol.