1. Get rid of meme flags

What else should we add to this list?

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a moment of silence for ten minutes to pay respects to her majesty queen elizabeth ii

range ban every mobile IP

Fuck off Nigel. We don't give a fuck about your retarded monarchy.

we agreed on no meme flags. show your israeli flag with pride.

Seethe, Windows fag.

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wtf based mobile poster

I unironically agree with this, also make anonymous but proper accounts to ban shills for good when they post shillthreads

Also range ban all of Canada.

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>sent from my iPhone

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you know the museum janitors fap to that Venus statue

>>force people who post here to make accounts that can be monitored
Why even have an anonymous image board then? Are you shilling or just being retarded, user??

If you really want to slim down on shill threads:
2. Set the bump limit of a thread to 15 if OP is a "1 post by this ID" fag.

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That's assuming they've never seen actual porn before, so not likely.

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a statue is better to fap to than porn kek I guess it depends on the statue though.

I'm not letting this thread end on this note.
Self-bump. Have a wholesome black girl with white features on me.

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End /ptg/
Kick out all boomercons
Range ban Russia (Belaraus and Georgia included) China & ALL shitskin countries (brazil, Mexico etc.)
Expose commie infiltrators (nazbols mainly)
Jannies being tougher on wumaos (mutt posting is funny, but wumaos ruined it. They are easily identifiable but overplaying it.)
No more e-celeb threads
End TRS threads
Instant ban on frog posters
No more gay 'frens' shit and apu posting in general

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You had me until you went after frog posting.
Now I just think you're Plebbitard who doesn't like our mascot.

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Force Any Forums passfags to show their pass

Get rid of flags, would take some fun, butt concentrates the conversation on the actual point

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