Is this movie secretly based?

Is this movie secretly based?

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just the first half

I watched it last week.

The ending sucked. Men need to stick to their convictions. I bet if they kept rolling right after the credits you’d see him go back to the neo-nazis over the death of his brother.

>made in 1998
The older brother was completely right about everything he predicted happening.

The trouble is kikes creating a degenerate neo nazi image that tricks people who think the same to conforming to an image and behavior that will set them up to fail. They turn people with legitimate concerns into useful boogie men for kikes to say see look "nazis" bad.

And because people are too NPC to separate ideas from imagery, kikes successfully alienate the people and the ideas.

Very clever psyop

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That was literally the end of the original script but the studio made them change it because it was too dark.

Doesn't he get raped up the ass like a faggot?

It is Jewish anti-white propaganda.

I will kill both of them.
You will die a horrible death by my hands you fascists fucking faggots.

It’s accidentally based. The writer and directors are Jews and the movie is supposed to be about how racism is bad. But since they kill his brother even after he gave up being a nazi it shows that niggers are just going to nig no matter what.

In my mind yes. It's structured like a good defense lawyer's case/opening statement.

Good defense lawyers don't say "My client is a good boy, he dindu nuffin." They say, "My client is a scumbag, and there's a lot of sketchy stuff in his past, but I will prove that he didn't kill that little boy." IOW they air out all the bad stuff up front and move on.

That's what this movie does for white nationalists. "They're violent and cult-y and have a lot of weird homoerotic shit going on, but ultimately, they're right about niggers and nobody else is willing to do anything about them."

>1 post by this ID

>Is this movie secretly based?
Dinner scene with Mom's boyfriend is where it lost me. Oldest son makes so many good arguments, then loses the argument with a smirk on his face at the weakest fucking counter argument from the Jew. The entire movie is that bad faith bs on repeat.

Pic related is a top tier redpilled movie

>portrays trannies as jealous serial killers who are like that because of trauma
>the whole plot of the movie is the law trying to make the point that ywnbaw

Forgot the picture

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Who even makes those tattoos?

>nigger faggot rapes a white man

The ending negates the nigger loving Derek does. When they kill Danny the message reverts back to "niggers are shit"

kikes hated that movie no matter what you do in the context of good or bad thug morals are based on the ability for physical violence not ideas or social constructs. given time a dork can make piss and straw into gun powder quicker then he can make a political statement that would get any merit as a original concept.

>character makes series of reasonable points
>follows up with some crude insult or uncharacteristic violent act
It wasn't "secretly based" at all, the whole point was to associate rational pro-White/anti-immigrant arguments with sperging out or trashing a supermarket. What's ridiculous is that the original cut was even more blatant and the jew director denounced the film for showing nuance

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Sorry if that's retarded but I'm drunk so blow me. I'm going to go watch this movie now, for the 20th time

>comparing the sole political party of an entire country to rejects who embrace a taboo label
Lots of NSDAP were thugs anyways, who else are you going to get to engage in street battles?

Attached: street-fighting-between-the-kpd-and-nsdap-from-horst-wessel-1933-CPM1TP.jpg (1300x1058, 207.39K)

user. That was the lesson. If you try to give in to the niggers and jews they will not care and just kill you and those you love.

I've been trying to find it for years.

You are reminded that around blacks, you never relax.

No, it is accidentally based. The kikes who made it were incompetent.