Here’s your trad wife bro

>Here’s your trad wife bro
We can’t even keep our own women from being degenerate, how is this kike shit so fucking pervasive? How the fuck do they teach 1488 women. This woman 100% posts here. How do we muzzle our bitches? How do we train then to sit down and shut up? How do we teach then to not be whores and not get tattoos?
>inb4 jannies
Fuck off. This is a political (therefore on topic) thread about kike propaganda being used to turn even red pilled women into thots.

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And no I’m not a redditer i got this from twitter.

>Single mom
>into the garbage bin

I wonder what happened to the Father

He got gassed

probably jail

just move on to one of the other 75 million white women in Merica you uptight prick

He’s black - the abandonment turned her to white nationalism

She'd make a good pillow princess but thats about as far as I'll go. Despite her viewpoints she's damaged goods.

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Meth OD. Would’ve been great but da joooos made him take meth

It's unfortunate that the kikes subvert many into the neo nazi thug tat bullshit.

I blame American history X for that kikery

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The prison white power types are hilarious. They all claim to hate gays, niggers and drugs but will share a needle with the nigger that is fucking him in the ass. They're degenerates.

This bitch is the kind of girl that is down at the jail three times a week putting money in the gang's books so they can buy ramen and snickers bars

Disgusting, kill crackers

that image is so old. bitch is probably in her 30's by now

>American history x fiction

They all come up through the gangs and low IQs that are into that shit. see how she says single mom. Hmmm who is the dad? Perhaps someone in jail.



user aside 1 in 1000, people don't go to prison because they are based, they do it because they're meth smoking low iq pseudoniggers. If anything is realistic about that film that portion is probably so. How many messkins that clearly pissed off their own kind and needed a group, coming out with swaztika tattoos does it take to prove the point.


Would, ngl.

Tattoos are fucking disgusting. Why the fuck do women get them? Not that I approve of men getting tattoos either.

The guy with the forehead tattoo (by the word Alt-Right) reminds me of Blood Sport guy's wife. I wonder if she could trim that monobrow into a eagle with swastika?

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This. She’s trying to attract someone who will stick around.

I'd like to bust a nut on her chest. Nice target and everything.
