Let. Them. In

Let. Them. In.

Attached: Cringe.jpg (1072x2001, 836.01K)

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Kill. Them. All.

Burn them all!!!

Rape. All. Women.

>New York
How long until a nigger destroys that?


What do you call a Trojan Horse that looks like a muslim refugee? A Trojan Suicide Bomber. Waka! Waka!

Attached: 69D7975B-32F1-4295-BA0F-F98BB6EF5108.png (300x168, 80.61K)

Based. Even tho their shitskins, Muslims are notoriously Anti-Liberal when it comes to their beliefs. Sure they vote blue and pretend to play by the rules, but just like their Prophet (PBUH) told them, the second they become a majority they will implement Sharia.

Fucking hell lmfao
Is this supposed to make immigrants look sympathetic? Fucking lol
It's a fucking monster, invading your home
How can these dumbfuck be this out of touch????????

chick on the left fucks white guys

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen

You would think the people who orchestrated this monstrosity would have gone out and spoken to the public first..
I guarantee no one would have suggested a 12 foot tall monster.

what in the actual fuck

>not the Current Thing.

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It sends a visual message- diversity looms terrifyingly over everything.

Imagine throwing a petrol bomb at that thing


I was thinking the same, it must be the irish genes.

Ayo lemme talk to dat cutie on the left.

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We can let in one foreigner for each New York Times staffer that agrees to trade countries with them permanently.

>US destroys Syria
>virtue signals about refugees from Syria



Wtf is that thing!
The world is Scary! lol

I've seen these pedo puppets before.
Who manufactures them?

That is the ugliest trojan horse I have ever seen.

God I hate shitskins.