ITT we discuss the signs of the coming collapse

Previous bread >entering second to last shemita year
>September coinciding with end of Jewish Jubilee year
>Vatican ordering all assets to be deposited to Vatican bank
>massive real estate sell off happening soon
>Russia is collapsing
>railroad strikers to trigger next chain of events

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September 23 and 24th, shit goes sideways.

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haha holy shit
that image

Can SOMETHING just happen already? I'm a seasoned blueballed hapooner but ffs if nothing happens this time I'm deleting my Any Forums account.

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Shemitah bros check in

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>Russia is collapsing
Any day now, literally shaking and farting and shitting and pissing and cumming right now.
What is happening, anons?

So does this mean houses that aren’t 100 miles from anything will be affordable again?

Are you dense? Since 2020 we have happenings on a daily basis. That old retarded man who you call president wasn't even elected.

>Russia is collapsing
Lost me there dipshit

If the trains really stop the cities will collapse in a matter of days.

Oh noes my investment failed and i need to find it out of reits and into T bonds during this inflation era of zero gain losses. Or take mr potters approach and buy up all bedford falls on the cheap when developments go belly up and construction halts by bank.


My mortgage is failing my two kids are hungry and the covid zoomegalpha has caused another toilet paper craze at the store. Theres no baby formula either at sneeds feed and the gas rations are at a premium $20 a two gallon red barrel. My local propane store is put of gas accesories and the butane vape is now a doomer trying to get a fire hot enough to dab. the biden government has my thermostat under regulatory control plus national guard curfew has caused riots to emerge at night among the denizens. Rolling blackouts and police shootings occur with regularity now. No trials are given. Lawlessness has consumed the bread and circus. Nobody is buying the goyim theatre popcorn or attending the stadiums as virtual arenas are constructed to support a lifeless and static economy. The future is bright... Waynes world

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user wants to see a legit happening. hyperinflation, a world war, economic collapse, famine, an actual pandemic, etc.

Do you schizos never get tired of giving out dates that always turn out to be nothingburgers?

You young zoomies are spoiled with happenings. In my day (pre-Trump), we almost never got happenings. Now it’s a fresh world ending happening every month.

Chink investors started selling their American assets last week.

The years leading up to Trump got spicy with Ukraine, Syria and the disappearing airplanes. But overall the Obama years were boring. He was just quietly sabotaging everything.

Nothing ever happens

I used to feel the same but now I'm wary of all of the retards out there around me. Proven retards. Proven by covid.

Govts around the world injected their populations with poison. That's about as intense as it gets.