Why do you want to help white people?

Good evening all,

Consider it for a moment. The very traits that I scorn in the black man, I find equally in the white. Including, but not limited to:

> Wilful ignorance, abandoning the development of the self
> Choosing consumption and comfort without guilt, to the detriment of themselves and society at large
> Pulling other whites down into the boiling water in the face of corporations exploiting their labour for large profits

As bitter as it is to accept. The whiteness of a man’s skin, does not convey his moral virtue. The fibres of his soul are still as sickly as the others.

So, I rather find it a more appealing philosophy to foster camaraderie between men and women that do not irritate me. Who do not adopt the mainstream uncritically. I do not then have to suffer the bootlicking white, the baboon black, or the bugman oriental.

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Because I’m, and if they don’t fix themselves then I’m stuck with savage shitskins and cucked whites.

>As bitter as it is to accept. The whiteness of a man’s skin
Stopped reading there.

okay i pull up

How do you help someone who does not want to help themselves?

> Stopped reading there

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>race is about skin color

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> Live in 2022
> Still believe in outdated anthropology

Illuminates the level of education that the average denizen of Any Forums has.

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I don't actually like most white people, I don't really like any people frankly I'm a total loner but I have a wife and a kid and a stake in society and want things to be better than they are. I don't hate nonwhite people for being nonwhite, I hate them for being here, which I blame whites for as well so.

My family is white and I want to protect them and their interests. Self preservation. What other reason do I need? Of course there are other more rational reasons to support it but the mere facts that I am white, those close to me are white, and there is a large contingent of left wingers who are explicitly anti white is enough merit for me to support the one political ideology and faction that is voicing support for the interests of white people, which happens to be the nationalist right.

Same opinion. I view it more like prison, it doesn't matter if I don't like them, I have to team up or I'm dead.
The idea itself of "Whiteness" is a double edged sword, mostly given to us and applied on us by our enemies. White people were never animated by their "Whiteness" and always had other religious or cultural ideas to move them. Racial identity is secondary. Think about it, Whites were more racist but at the same time killed each other in the millions, their respective "Whiteness" counted for nothing in the world wars. I'm not saying it's a terrible idea because for a person of mixed European ancestry, it's natural. It's also natural to look to those of your own skin color.

But by and large my personal experiences with my fellow White man have been profoundly negative, if I was to base it on that alone I would be anti-White. All the reasons you listed are correct. It just seems that I'm defending a race that doesn't care and never gave two shits about that fact to me growing up. They were far more duplicitous, lied more often, were more finicky, and backstabbed me way more in both friendships and relationships. It seems the vast majority are mentally polluted and through time I've been turning my back slowly on a people who never turned their backs for me. I feel like Evola, who was an anti-fascist from the right, I'm becoming an anti-White from the right, I want them to be better.

hop out at the after party

I like white people, they are nice

>The very traits that I scorn in the black man, I find equally in the white
I've found it's just americans, canadians, and bongs.

>Look leonidas, we are being attacked by tribal niggers and arabs, who always have eachothers back even if they don't fucking know eachother and don't even like eachother.
>they are invading our country
>let's fight them as individuals!

You need to be tribal to defeat them, even if you don't fucking like the other british guy, the niggers and pakis and whatever you have in britain all have eachothers back they don't have yours.. Who has your back?

It's called violence capital, it's common in nigger countries and in arabia. That if you hurt someone, they come with their uncles and cousins and fucking a 100 people and kick your ass.
Who does tiny little individualist british person have if someone come kick your ass?
They also have directly in those societies as we now see in sweden they do this. Debasement crimes. Where they seek out and find a swede that can't defend himself, and attack him and rob him and often film it for purpose of debasing swedes. They do this clearly in britain too and other places.
This is a way in which they intimidate the population of other races. Which is normal for them to do.
If you go to about 46 minutes and onward to around 49 it is explained in greater detail, including by a muslim immigrant themselves.
They are CLAN AND TRIBAL BASED, they fucking all know eachother and are totally connected with eachother and have eachothers backs even if they don't even like eachother.
If british were like that you could end mass immigration in a matter of a year and have deported about 50% of these fucking people. Instead you take it right up the ass and then scream some nonsense about how you don't like some other ethnic british.

It's only when you are NOT THREATENED TRIBALLY that you have luxury of saying, oh well i don't like this or that faggot. It's irellevant if you like them or not idiot, you don't get it.

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And the reason why european countries monoethnic countries are very individualistic is cause they are not threatened tribally or they weren't. This multiethnic shit has happened lightning fast! So they still don't realize what is happening, and they are being lied to about it and told look stay individualistic and encouraging to not have group identity of any kind by nefarious peoples.
This is the worst thing you can possibly do when your entire group is under attack. And the attackers are extreme tribal and clanlike in everything they do.
So with that it's pretty safe to say your original argument of why you should help anyone is completely fucking BTFO. you have to to help yourself at this point, or you are going to be fucked in britain.
Then LATER when it's no longer threat with these people, you can worry about oh i don't like that fucking idiot, till then you have to realize you need to have his back if these people attack or do some kind of tribal shit against you. Or you just standing alone against 100 of them every time, which is why they suggest nefariously you have no group identity, cause then eventhough they less in britain than british. Doesn't matter when they cliquing up and it's 100 against 1 in whatever engagement and nobody back you up in any way. KEK
They always attack or defend in groups, regardless of what the situation is, and british and swedish always defend themselves AS INDIVIDUALS.

kevin is right behind you

The problem your missing is that they easily have the capacity for violence, the state comes down brutally on any attempts of White ingroup cohesion and fighting together with insane charges and witch hunts.

Individuality is for when you are not tribally threatened as a group. Only then do you have luxury of not reacting tribally to things.
Ofcourse you are individual but when the ATTACK of another tribal people is attacking your entire group that means you too they are attacking. Then you need to fucking clan up dumbass.. or in the sense of having a group identity or they will fucking come an entire mob after every british person that interfere with whatever these people want..
This is why some british go to his twitter and complain they have an entire mob of 500 people attacking you afterwards, that's how it works.
And to not have this so that you have 500 of yours or 1000 of yours firing back at them, in a situation where you are being tribally attacked, such as with mass immigration invasion. Is a total disaster for reasons which i don't think i can even explain more crystal clear than i already have.

this guys a beta, just look at those small arms lmfao. also he looks sub 6'

Oh HEY Kevin! Is that hit rapper and artist DaBaby?!

Go fuck yourself faggot

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You're an absolute nigger or kike.
Fuck off.

Authoritarian leadership giving the masses a software update via mass media and other means of propaganda. Are you new here faggot?

>The problem your missing is that they easily have the capacity for violence, the state comes down brutally on any attempts of White ingroup cohesion and fighting together with insane charges and witch hunts.
ofcourse everyone has capacity for violence, if you talking about the video what he actually says is violence capital not capacity for violence, the subs are a bit wrong there.
It means if you get attacked that person will be attacked back by 100 fucking people who you call, they have all this the arabs and niggers and people in other countries, so when they immigrate that is what happen to some single brit or single swede or whatever. And they do it in all matters.. like they organize immediately some demonstration or some protest against whatever.. And british just derp around as individuals.

So yes swedes and british have capacity for violence. But they don't have the group identity anymore cause they shed it since they haven't been attacked internally in britain for so long, it's usually been just wars, never through immigration system and such ethnic strifes, so they still trying to adjust to tribal mode so they can fucking fight back, and jews and muslims and racist africans and others are ofcourse trying to make sure that doesn't happen! Cause then the playingfield suddently became very even didn't it.. Cause then they can forget this mob shit, they get a bigger mob in return right away in their face if they do, so they will begin to back down.

The death of my people is due to a lack of community and God. what a shame

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I used to think only americans and the japanese had souls but now I realize only texans and the japanese have souls

>The death of my people is due to a lack of community and God. what a shame
They are individuals internally, but acting as a group only internationally! like on nation to nation.
Nobody ever had the balls to immigrate to sweden and try to take them over internally that way. So they still don't understand wtf is going on that you need to now go tribal INTERNALLY TOO, cause you got a different nations INSIDE YOUR BORDER, eventhough they are civilians they tribally attack you as a group haha, so you must do group defense! And everything they do that is in any way nefarious or against you, you NEED TO RESPOND TO IN EVEN BIGGER WAY to crush it.

This is what the issue is. These people fucking used to fighting eachother they fighting all the time, so clanning up like this EVEN INTERNALLY in a country is totally normal to them. So this is what they do ofcourse also when they immigrate to britain ahha.. Or they go wherever.
They passed the SECURITY FIELD where it goes from tribal protection/group protection to individual protection which is in case of europeans it's the national border..
And so immigration is bamboozling europeans in a big way cause they not used to this shit, that they can be attacking you inside your country as a group and they are civilians and are foreigners, it's TOTALLY NEW situation.

>Calling based animal loving christian, entrepreneur and minecrafter Ben anything but SUPREME CHAD.

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European tribalism is nation to nation.. Like you go invade sweden you'll fucking get blown up by swedish military and the civilians will fucking murder you no problem. But you go immigrate and now you are protected as ingroup.. And this is ofcourse mistake but they take advantage of that and behave as tribal group and attack swedes AS A GROUP inside sweden..
And same deal with britain or wherever.
It's because the invasion is through immigration system and that the european nations work that way, that this is a particularly obnoxious situation where british and swedish and others need to understand they need to be tribal INTERNALLY against these foreign groups who attack them..

I mean this is also issue in USA. USA has biggest military in world, you can blow up half the planet, no way there should be 30 million illegals in your country or whatever, but that's the same problem!

Because I’ve known more whites that have interest in european philosophy and culture than I’ve met any other race.
Besides degenerate beaners that think they’re Mediterranean and know nothing about European worldview.