Lol , do amerimutts really ?

Attached: mutt's.jpg (750x352, 28.8K)

Being against walkable cities is knee-jerk cuckservatism.


The left begins to eat itself again

Conservatives are radical leftists who are a fundamentally feminine group; which means they are passive and can only react. The shitlibs act first, then conservatives decide what to do. At best, they'll simply adopt the exact opposite position to "own" them when they're not simply copying them.

>Conservatives are radical leftists
corn syrup is a hell of a drug

In the long-term, the left may have no future, but for now they're all united behind an overwhelming loyalty to the regime. If only the same could be said for whatever passes for the right these days.

Name one thing conservatives have successfully conserved in the last two hundred years.

>everybody thinks like people on twitter
i will be the first to admit. that's news to me.


why do they always say "phobia", as if it's a fear? I'm intolerant of fat people, but I don't fear them. same with Muslims and other invaders... I'm intolerant of black and brown people, but I don't fear them

Yes. One of the many benefits of walkability is that obesity will go down.
Very much so.

There's nothing wrong with hating fat people.

PSA to my fellow muttoid nigger goyim cattle golems: remember to practice your walking before you visit Europe

>Being against walkable cities is knee-jerk cuckservatism.
not against it, actually don't give a flying fuck what city niggers do with their cities. Use city taxes to rebuild your cities, the state tax base is not your personal piggy bank to fund utopian larps. You want it, you pay for it.

It can simply mean aversion as well.

fat people should be thrown in a dungeon for three weeks with nothing but fresh water until they lose enough weight or die

We don't need "walkable cities", we need DE-urbanization
We should be taking advantage of remote working to redistribute people into local communities where they can live with their own culture and race in a harmonious fashion
You want bugmen insectoid cities where you roam around your grey soulless concrete jungle, buy your goyslop, go home to your 1-room bugman pod and masturbate to pornography before going to sleep

This. Water and a multivitamin maybe.

They project.

They don't have a disgust response, but an overly simulated fear response instead.

I'm just disgusted by them like it was literal harbage or poo in the toilet.

kek no, as a suffix it literally means "fear of"

All anti cycling posts are made by fat people.

Leftists love the word dogwhistle.

"scooteround cities" with free scooterounds for the "disabled", yeah

>Having normal cities like we used to before leftists took over is a "utopian LARP"
Dumb liberals like you will not be spared when reaction finally has its day.

Fucking fatphobic bigot.

Yes, I'm afraid of fat people... afraid they might sit on me.

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same dipshit zoomer

same fuckin thread

same idiot edgy bullshit about ky country

same sagebrush and nomination dor deletion

walkable cities meme is a pretense, that's all. the elites want everyone to live in a handful of population centers and they dont want anyone to have independent modes of transportation.

public transport ensures you are married to the system just to get around beyond a few miles. It would be like not having a horse 1000 years ago.

and of course, the elites will still have their cars and planes. they always get their special perks.

Cities are inevitable centers of degeneracy because they pack millions of mutually alien races and cultures into a single area for the sake of moneymaking
It always ends in degeneracy and moral corruption
Some aspects of cities are necessary but we could eliminate most of the urban concrete jungle through remote work and allowing people to spread out into natural communities

>Conservatives are radical leftists
this flip the script schtick you're trying isn't working well schlomo

The only reason I walk anywhere is to make fat people feel sad, or preferably, mad

This is why you don't encourage mental illness.
