ITT we predict what cope excuses Russian shills will make as Russia continues to lose the war...

ITT we predict what cope excuses Russian shills will make as Russia continues to lose the war. Bonus points for their ultimate cope will be when the war ends without Russia taking a single piece of land.

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You can already start to see it
>S-sure we lost land b-but it wasn't about land it was about t-the biolabs

Attached: New coped just dropped.png (1228x106, 33.62K)

>goblin kings hometown decimated
>as russia continues to lose

Pedo pig nato commanders are being smuggled out of the area in shipping containers. Its a catastrophic failure but the kikes have finally learned that shilling and subversion will only take you so far before someone calls your bluff and breaks your hooked nose

Yeah, Russian shills will probably say something retarded like this.

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Greatest hits.

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A US federal government employee's hands typed this

You know Ukraine is getting fucked when their shills all make threads that are direct branches of /uhg/

Fucking kek, cope.

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Thanks for the cope Ivan.

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just 2 more weeks and Russia collapses, amiright Agent Costanza?

The fucking irony

Attached: 2 weeks.png (651x122, 17.41K)

>Writes text in MS Paint
Amazing irony

>russia starts bombing ukrainian infrastructure
>imminet collapse
>diseases appear and spread
>ukrainians die of rabies
the end

Sweet, even more cope
We are day 202 of the 2 week invasion.

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ITT another paid homosexual copy-pastes another committee-approved post to start another slide thread. I spent so much of my life not realizing how fucking gay NATO was. I don't give a shit about Russia, maybe they're even as bad as the shills say, but my god "my" side is proving itself to be the worst cultural force in history.
A decent explanation of how Russian shills operate

>I-it was never about the territory!! The Special Operations was just a ruse to force the West into sanctions that will ultimately backfire on them.
>Crimea and the Donbas region were just the optional cherry on the top, which would have succeeded if we weren't literally fighting NATO while only allowed to use 10% of our full strength
>In the end, the Hohols lost 100k while we only lost half of that, which just goes to show how much better at fighting we are.

>I don't care about Russia b-but you better not insult them!
Too obvious Ivan

Post more cope please

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I thought that was sam hyde at the 5 second mark.

It was. He plays both sides

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I have already started seeing cope posts that the war isn't about land and was all about ruining the European economy which is funny because Russia's economy is hurting even more. What reason outside of hatred of the white race would you actively kill all of western and Eastern Europe's economies?


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Its a special operation. Not an invasion.

Russia could take ukraine in a week if they wanted. They are there to protect the russian minority in donbass not to grab land.

Reminds me of "You are a Saddam Hussein shill" cringe

That's unironically probably what the cope will turn out to be.

Attached: shazam was right again.png (816x379, 63.67K)

You don't deserve to use that memeflag

Tbh russia has achieved all goals.
Eu on its four legs regarding gas
Us spent billions on fireworks
Russia empties their prisions and got rid of degenerates
Rubel up
Metal prices down
Petrol prices down
Us corporations btfo russia

Russia won on all levels

>Destroy your own economy
>Kill thousands of your own people
>Destroy thousands of your own armor vehicles making it basically impossible for you to wage another war for years
>Elaborate no further
>Claim victory