Pol chuds will be against this

>pol chuds will be against this

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School lunch is the definition of Goyslop

Someone post the communist goyslopp they will actually be served

Meh, my only problem with this is blacks don't pay taxes so it's white who will have to pay for their kids desu desu desu desu desu

Free launch has been free in usa for decades now, california just divided it into two

Can't feed em, don't breed em.

We should offer free manatees to all White children. I'm not joking. It will cause a spiritual awakening the likes of which hasn't been seen since the days of Christ. No White person can look at a manatee and deny the existence of God. Their sight strikes pure joy into the heart of every White and they are one of God's greatest gifts to us.

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they're eating salads, the literal opposite of goyslop retard.

Keto would mean they only need one meal a day.
Theyd live longer better lives too

Well majority of those niggers were already getting free food so what the fucks the difference

I don’t see a single American in this photo.

Amerigolems will celebrate this.

Free school lunch has been a thing for over 20 years.


emphasis on ALL students
this is a nothingburger
even in Texas you can easily qualify for free or reduced cost lunch if youre poor
dont believe me? suck a dick

>fat free chocolate milk

Where's the real food?

BTW, this isn't free.

Means testing is bullshit and why whiles in middle income hate social programs. Universal programs I support.


This has been the case in California public schools for decades. We all have lunch cards in my elementary school.

God curse humanity.

>>pol chuds will be against this

I am because they're going to start feeding those children insects.

I never understand how people can handle 3 meals a day. I eat one meal a day and feel sick when I try to go for another.

salad is a dumb/fat person's idea of good food

who's paying for it? where do the funds and the labor come from to make this free stuff happen? ive never taken an economics class btw

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That’s true but that same systemmis how a lot of poor white kids will get fed too. I see it as a necessary evil to feed some niggers so long as one poor white boy or girl gets a lunch because of it.

What the fuck is a chud?

there is no such thing as free. all money that the school spends comes from tax revenue taken from working people. the people are paying for it either way.

They're literally turning the freaking kids gay!!!

gotta feed the mutts their goyslop

Forced leftist meme based on the title of a movie