Based dems are going to steal the election again, forever...

Based dems are going to steal the election again, forever. Open election fraud forever and they won’t even try to hide it

Attached: DCA86EAB-9FBD-4AED-B5A6-24A9131177A4.jpg (998x1024, 111.07K)

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donald will give the order
and the maga legion will rise

Why should they hide it? What's the right gonna do, cry about black people in children's movies some more?

I think NC is turning blue because of JO, Chuck and Pelosi's amazing inflationary reduction policy/ leadership.


Trump should give a speech immediately, complaining about his toilet

and based retards are going to keep thinking they can VOOT their way out of this

The numbers work out to less than a percent of expected vote if they vote straight party line.
It is just trying to motivate Republicans through fear.

>Pelosi's amazing inflationary reduction policy/ leadership.

Inflation went up again yesterday you dumb fuck

Not important.
This has nothing to do with the Little Mermaid

>can't recognize satire

And nobody is going to stop them. bah ha ha.

This always happens in NC, and usually in the country in general, D's vote more by absentee

Kek. Jokes on them because I plan on voting super duper hard this time

Dude USA is a third world shithole with a lot of make up. Stop living in denial.

Your Democracy is making me hard. I'm so Democracy I am about nothing.

You should still definitely vote, if the turnout rate for all the elections with mail in voting ends up being something ridiculously high like 99% as it was in Philadelphia PA county in 2020, then it’s useful to keep track of.

I'm an accelerationist, better a descent into calamity than forever as things are. anyway, please clap (bump me):

Just make it so voting actually has to be something you care about instead of making it a complete joke. As Aristotle said, you should only be involved in politics if you genuinely care about them.
>voting has to be done in person on voting day
>no absentee ballots
>no early voting
>must be able to answer a written test to vote to prove you care about politics (e.g. who is your governor, senators, and local government)
>no single issue voters allowed, filter them out with the above test
>test is written and in English only
>final question is in script

Absentee ballots are illegitimate, as they cannot be cast in secret.

based democrats dabbing on spineless, faggot, "muh principles!" republicucks. I love seeing homo conservatives try to play the "high ground" by being moral and all high and mighty while getting their shit pushed in by nigger democrats and their kike masters.

Republicans are gonna win the election for one simple reason.
The entire fucking market is gonna crash. It's so inflated and democrats keep printing money to keep it afloat as it is now but it's a band-aid on a gushing wound. It's not gonna last until the end of the year.
So democrats are gonna lose and republicans take over and then it crashes so they can blame the republicans for the crash.

It's so obvious if you just look at it from a financial standpoint.
They fucked it up but they don't want to take responsibility for it.

Attached: 1629474092672.jpg (1080x1531, 286.71K)

You're technically right, but here's the issue user: who gets to grade your written answers?

Can you find one credible shred of evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election
>inb4 some schizo websites that appeared the day after election

Make them a simple pass fail like naming the governor and so on. You can't fudge the answers if there's only one right answer.