Will you let your kids watch this

Satanic New cartoon by the creator of Rock Morty. You the guy his name is Dan Harmon. He's the guy that made a comedy skit about raping a baby doll.

Attached: leadlittledemon-768x432.jpg (768x432, 30.3K)

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>let me promote this show I'm mad about
Shill or retard?

I don't watch jewish shit

Make season 3-5 of the summer smith show seem greater

I don't watch television

The blatant satanic imagery of the show hasn’t gone unnoticed. In a Facebook post, U.S. Congressman Mike Johnson described the show as “clearly evil”:

>The shocking ending to the LSU opener was not the most disturbing part of the game last night. For me, that came during a commercial break in the second quarter when the television audience was presented with the trailer for a new FX cartoon “sitcom” entitled, “LITTLE DEMON.”

I couldn’t get to the remote fast enough to shield my 11-year-old from the preview, and I wonder how many other children were exposed to it—and how many millions more will tune in to the new series, owned and marketed by DISNEY.

The trailer included dark images of Hell, demons, and satanic imagery, and an explanation that the main character is… the Antichrist(!).

looks cringe
looks shit
looks like an other attempt to groom kids.
shit and morty tried to make them sociopaths. this one is satanism.
they're not even subtle anymore.

Hes a massive chomo

No and stop advertising it here, Jew.

Than whats the summer smith show then

>Dan Harmon
Now that is edgy

That's Dan Harmon!

Attached: leadlittledemon7.jpg (600x411, 91.1K)

>summer smith
didn't know she had a show i double won't watch it

Jews worship Satan

So like, when and where did this air?

on topic, here is the summary of the new children's show dead end paranormal house

Attached: dead end paranormal house.png (1147x831, 219.92K)

Friends cousin was obsessed with that show and became a fucking demented tranny

Demon Harm man has always been a piece of shit pedo and should have been beaten to death years ago

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I just cal rick and morty the summer smith show because it all about her now and shes so fucking bad

> little demon
> subliminal flag of Germany burning
Looks lit

hmmmm look at these suggestion thumbnails i got after the video

Attached: hmmmm.png (1600x900, 1.24M)

Remember this gem from Colbert's first show? At 2:22 youtu.be/XG78zEhuPCI

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