Hello Any Forums, pajeet here. i don't browse this board much but i have a question for you guys

hello Any Forums, pajeet here. i don't browse this board much but i have a question for you guys.

i've lived in Atlanta my whole life and i'm tired of living around bl*cks and sp*cs. where can i move to in the US with minimal bl*ck and sp*c population that is warm and isn't too far away from hiking ranges and beaches? i work remotely so location isn't really an issue. i'd prefer to live around other brown/asian people and whites and jews.

some of the places i've thought of already:
>houston, tx: big brown population on the sugar land side but the rest of the city is FILLED with mexicans and groids
>orlando, fl: basically the same situation
>vermont, new hampshire, massachussets: great demographics and government but too cold for me
>research triangle, nc: lots of asians, great job opportunities in case i ever want to stop working remotely, but its located right between raleigh and durham (both of which are filled with groids) and i feel it's going to get overrun with groids within this decade, just like what happend to stone mountain, ga
>chicago, ny, all of california is a non-starter for obvious reasons
>maybe nashville or chattanooga but i don't know much about those places

what do you guys think? googling "cities with no blacks" doesn't yield good results so i'd like to hear you guys's personal opinions on decent places to live.

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Good morning Sir

Come to NJ brother

Good morning sir

good afternoon frens

yeah i know there's a big brown community in NJ, but i don't exactly want to live there.
>full of blacks
>retarded blue state
i definitely want to visit the state someday though

go back to India

Good Evening Sirs

You have to go back

Goodbye, have a nice day.

Go home nigger

i've never even been outside the states

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Don't care leave


the blacks are isolated, we live and run all the nice areas, cold easier to tolerate than retard whites in warm regions
>blue state
every red state is a shit hole or well on the way to shithole, NJ NY CT MA VT NH MI CA these are only desirable locations in USA, there are NO good universities in red states, think about it

Try Mexico. No niggers there.
>but spics
Spics are dumd, retarded and regularly immigrate to the US. Mexico has actual mexicans, nice and warm people that will help you anytime you ask.
>source: worked there 4 years, best 4 years I've ever had, thinking of going back ever since.

That doesn't matter. This is not your home. Return to your rightful shithole or face annihilation in the coming purge
You're invaders trespassing on White American soil nigger get out

>obese mutt fingers typed this

Why not india you get mad servents. awesome food, you dont really have to do shit.

i'm sure that's the case for most red states, but it's different here in georgia. university of georgia, georgia tech, emory, mercer all all nationally-recognized. i wouldn't even want to leave if we weren't getting overrun by blacks, we recently got constitutional carry

you named 2 shitty universities and the other two are LITERALLY overrun with 5 points and lil 5 points brothas
you will use them to kill yourselves after shooting your wife when she cheats on you, as is always the case, southern whites (ZERO BACKBONE)

There used to be places like that but then all of you shitskins came here and there are no longer places Whites can go to get away from you, much less some grand utopia with less shitskins for you to go instead of where you are.
Every single major city is filled to the brim with niggers and spics. There used to be over 90% White in my local area but all they have done is build low income apartments everywhere for the last 20 years and now are less than 50 percent White and we're just a suburb of a bigger town.
You're an asshole for being here at all. Go to India and enjoy your own culture while you still can. You'd be free of spics and niggers there.

Go rural and open a convenience store. Blast haji beats and sell liquor all day.

There is no where to go, stay where you are or go back to India.

I'm OP, not planning on marrying a white woman. only pakistani or filipina women for me.


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would ya wanna live downtown?- Birmingham isn't far and its a lot whiter than Atlanta- but downtown is a nigged wasteland like all cities these days

wtf are you marrying a paki? Stop larping as an indian