You just don't get it

1st level: forced diversity and inclusion create conflict
2nd level: free publicity: retards talking about it
3rd level: identity politics. "They are racists for not liking this, you should support this"

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This is why I only read books and self insert myself as every character and rename the characters to Leon like from Resident Evil 2. It helps me but can get confusing and sometimes I’ll throw haymakers through the drywall if the noise in my head gets too loud.

4rd level: box office bomb. right wing won again.

You don't get it Holywood wants hit biggist markets populations in the world max profits.

White people are one biggist minoritys in the world and dieing out.

There is lot more blacks Asians hyspanic people on planet earth so more people to sell your movies to.

Why aim for small minority on earth of white people when there is so many more black people.

This is business

>If You Give A Gay Their Way (Enough Is Never Enough) by Joel F. Carberry [A normie wrote a book about degeneracy and it's very meme worthy]

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It was meant to be a bomb.

Lol, look around and ask yourself who's winning. Seriously.

Reminder to any niggers in this thread, racism was essentially dead in the 90s. When I grew up, I never saw race. Didn't give a shit if black people where in my Nickelodeon or CN shows. Never even occured to me that they were any different than you or me. Blacks were on their way to becoming civil and integrating completely with actual humans.
Then the kikes came along and told blacks to hate whites and purposefully sent niggers from the ghetto to live in my 95% white neighborhood (worse than a nuke dropping on top of it)
If kikes didn't get involved, we wouldn't be having any of these issues.

I think people are forgetting how terrible the message in the original movie was.
>Young girl never satisfied
>disobey father/family
>betray race/racemix
>bargain with evil and lose innocence
>yearn for cosmopolitanism

The little mermaids was pozzed before a nigger fish face ever came along. Don't let your kids watch either of them.

> Cares about what mainstream media outputs

You’re as brain broken as them if you see this and seethe. Go sit down, read some classics, and stop giving a fuck. Imagine, whining like women over a ‘show’. That’s behaviour from a fucking wine mum.

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if creating controversy was the motivation, then they would put out pro-Hitler and pro-White material

Oh I get it.

Under the sneed.

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>Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy
>Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy

>Terry Davis - Moses Game You talk with God!

>Videodrome: "Tele-vision can change your mind, videodrome will change your body"


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Identity politics is all about creating division between races and sexes. That's why all the big corporations are sponsoring it. The more they can get the dumb peasants to in-fight, the less they themselves are scrutinized.

I get it. It's a perfect trap to fall into but also impossible not to bitch about because it's rubbing our noses in it.

My hope is two office fails indicating a rejection by the majority and that blacks recieve the message, beyond the "you so rascist" knee jerk, that no one finds them pretty or interesting and that they will forever need to be shoe horned into media to even be seen.

WHEN NOBODY COMPLAINS, well then it's fine and people go watch it do whatever they like. But it's still this subversive inversion.
IF PEOPLE COMPLAIN and it gets negative reaction because of this. They simply spin it oh it's cause the racists are upset.
When this is itself a massive racist inversion.

I don't even think you can get a lot of danes to complain about it cause we are easy going people who want to get along with everybody, but this is the opposite of nice.
>danish history by h.c andersen from 1837, there's a mini tourist attraction little mermaid statue on a rock looking out at the water.
>danes are some or smallest country and rarest people in the world
>removal of a ginger icon, gingers some of rarest people in the world too.

Then there comes the RIDICULOUS bad faith excuses.
>it's not a real story so i can make her whatever ethnicity i want it's a frigging mermaid.
that's not an excuse. And it's also being done in historical movies too.
It's basically subversive invasion solely designed to denegerate 'white' americans and europeans.
They take something they like, and then make a new version of it, just to have opportunity to change the cast into different ethnic groups.

And you can probably expect ursula to be played by some extremely pale faced hag.
You can use same argument there.
>oh it's imaginary so i can just make her into whatever i want.
She not going to be a big black woman and then rest part fish or whatever, let's just call that a hunch.

>shut up and be erased

This seems to be the theme among bongs. What a surprise.

Read the whole post...creating controversy in order to label a segment of the audience racist.

Stop making threads about it then. I'm not going to watch it but I am going to post under the sneed in these threads.

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