Another jogger shot and killed

Jogger minding her own business gets tackled, shot, and killed by police.

>She assaulted someone earlier and was evading police. She stabbed the cop before being tackled.

Attached: Sacramento Cops Shoot Woman Who Stabbed Officer With a Knife [].webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

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That's not a jogger minding her own business. It says she assaulted someone. You even said it. Are you retarded op?

Imagine having a job where you get randomly stabbed by niggers.

Just playing both sides, user.

take off the proxy and kys rabbi

I think he was being facetious.

newfag. gb2twitter

Jesus Christ. Pol is getting dumber everyday or flooded by retarded redittors. It was a sarcasm.
I have seen bunch of you retards this day.

Retard and schitzo?

>start looking at the comments
>"all lives matter to god"

Kek, do christcucks really?

Nigger had a gun in her hand. It was justified.

Attached: justified.jpg (1200x800, 80.58K)

Fake she didn't explode like a water balloon full of blood so obviously fake she didn't even drop any loot so it's fake fake fake in real life people explode into a pool of blood when shot fake fake fake fake fake

End the niggers

You are the retarded person here, you retarded person.

We should really practice reddit etiquette and mark sarcasm with an /s
All the new posters seem to have a lot of trouble with it.

This. So much this.


They'll all be fired for sure.

>physically assault someone
>also stab a cop
>get shot and die
Open and shut case, Johnson.

Attached: 1641079471690.jpg (660x646, 198.32K)

do.. do redditors really..?

One more nigger down is always fun to watch

Attached: 1662640034541.jpg (690x415, 93.89K)

holy shit your new

>shooting her while she was on the ground
Typical cop behavior. no doubt they'll say they feared for their lives when the threat was already ended by tackling her.

what the fuck americans, that person was just jogging and you fucking murdered him, i hope niggers burn your whole town for this!!!

You must be 18 to post here

in the full vid, the cop on the left got stabbed so badly by her that he needed a tourniquet not to bleed out. definitely a good shoot. stupid bitch

Attached: 1648060207365.jpg (250x250, 17.54K)

I think you're the retard here just sayin.

>dat might be me nex
>time to loot

Attached: 69DCA315-E1DA-4E2A-88FA-D7CC593AF499.jpg (1024x1008, 75.11K)

You're right, but it might be hard for a DA to argue that the cops should have stepped back and observed her for longer in the heat of the moment after witnessing their partner get stabbed.

Although it was a morally justified shoot, it looks bad and they should have waited for her to to try and stand at very least. This looked like their goal was revenge no law enforcement.

I'm pretty certain they would want her on the ground and not moving, versus standing back up after stabbing a cop.

>jews: make nigger wishes come true and give them representation in their society
>white goyim: kill them before they even get the chance seeing black lotr and little mermaid
why are you so fucking evil?

Standard tactics are when you want to make a good shoot is have guns drawn and yell increasingly specific demands for them to comply with. For instance you cannot shoot someone for having their hands down, but if they put their hands up and at first then reach anywhere else the cops just magdump and that always gets portrayed in court as them thinking it's going to be a quickdraw. e.g. Daniel Schaefer (sp.?)