I just popped in to remind myself why I left 4pol to begin with. Adios...

I just popped in to remind myself why I left 4pol to begin with. Adios, enjoy interacting with kike shills and bots all day. Back to my frens

Attached: 45ystr45y4h4.jpg (852x1630, 461.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You're a glownigger and you get paid too much. Also, call your wife and tell her to pick up more beer I'm gonna drink a few after I fuck her later while you make another one of these gay threads.

Hello 4troons jannie, how's your day going?

Max cozy over at the frens

If you're going to VPNpost try to not sound like yourself and post exactly the same way you stupid nigger. :^)

how do you vpn post here? no vpn works for me

also why cant i mention the name of the site in ops picrel? 4chins is blocking it as spam

Lol if you're a glownigger they set up physical computers and simply proxy through them. It's lazy but it works.
glownigger spam gets blocked. they hate it.

>find more than one computer
>get them to talk to each other using an encrypted method
>log into one
>log into the other remotely
>post on le-epic image board


any proof that the fren website is a glownigger gayop?

Attached: 189378328323.png (1500x1500, 49.62K)

Purely gut instinct and cryptic symbolism. The kind of proof that I find incontrovertible.

Seems legit to me, rules prohibit everything a honeypot would encourage can't see how its any more comped than 4chins

The 1st rule allows any jewish organization to claim it's antisemtism: the website.
>gather enough IPs and info
>leak list of le antisemites
no thanks

You're a retarded newfag if you think this chan is less compromised then any other

Lol welcome back. You will always come back. The fuckery here is top tier.

kill every kike

Attached: 1540065455806.jpg (623x702, 176.93K)

When did I say that u dumb bich?

Glowniggers spam this site nonstop, that’s what all the UHG and PTG threads are about, wtf are you on about

Nice try kike, they hash IPs.

Attached: 7567457.png (1024x768, 101.36K)

kill all kikes

Attached: 1661295514217.jpg (1024x1024, 143.43K)

Does it salt the hash?

it detects every kike without foreskin

Attached: 1621524939566.png (600x645, 21.46K)

I asked a legitimate question, one that should interest you if you are interested in that site. Try not being inane for one millisecond


Based as fuck. They rangebanned Israel. I will donate, but my wage slave check hasn't come in yet.

I use the site but I'm not sure about salts. VPN and TOR posting are allowed so that is good enough for me. My only way to post here on Any Forums is by using my real IP or buying the fucking pass, which I refuse to do

kikes get the rope

Attached: 40a2a471-fef6-4467-a99e-96e0b75d459e.jpg (1024x1020, 100.7K)

Yeah this site sucks cock, frens is neat. I know the admins on tg and was a mod for a short bit

Hashing IPs doesn't matter, that just means you're assigning a GUID that can legally be used to prosecute any visitor to the website. In fact, because an IP doesn't always identify a user, this is a BETTER means of creating a profile that legally can allow you to sue someone.
They should post their code as well, for review
>shit that will never fucking happen
And glowniggers fuck off now.

Attached: 1594681219874.png (1062x1500, 641.56K)

>j-just use tor and VPNs!
AKA CIA spy nodes
nice try niggerlords