Is it best to avoid boats, and cruise ships?

Do people really become “sea slaves” like in that Bob’s Burgers episode?

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They just fall off overboard
I had a buddy who was in the navy before he worked for a cruise ship. Apparently people go missing all of the time and it’s kept a secret to prevent panics/create a false sense of safety for cruise ship goers


Where did she go?

On war ships its not common. Because of safety protocol and no alcohol for most parts. Cruise ships are boozed hard and people end up falling off the ship and getting lost.

Yes it happened to a girl, I can't remember her name but her mom became a famous TV show host looking g for missing children. Her daughter was kidnapped on a cruise ship and sold into sex slavery. Same networks in the Johnny gosch case, Paul bonacci, Cathy obrien, brice taylor etc. Ted Gunderson is a good place to start. If you really want to get to the point read thanks for the memories by brice taylor. Mkultra is involved, as well as drug trafficking

She's sleeping with the nigger mermaids.

Putin did this

Lots of drama too
Cruise ships are a dream come true to a psychotic murderer

In a world of COVID and they weaponize Ivermectin

Cruise ships have sensors on the sides that detect when large or warm objects go over the rail. They KNOW if someone falls overboard and stop the ship to search. When in port.... that's a whole nother ball game. If you leave the ship to go shopping or go out on some rando excursion and dont come back... ship leaves without you... 0 fucks given.

I think they’re italian or some kind of mediterranean
I heard they chain people to fishing boats and force them to work until they die.

Just found the lady whose daughter got taken. Beth Holloway
This one got stolen for sex slavery

Fell overboard.
Although I think the wog crews on a lot of these boats molest kids quite regularly.

>they just fell user. Don't look into it

SeeFor newbies, take breaks this shit is dark

> Based godfather reference/disney nigger lover virtue signaling…

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Want your mind blown?
Another one

Amy Lynn Bradley

Rebecca Coriam

There’s a reason most navies strictly control alcohol consumption.
Being plastered on a boat is a bad mix

Probably got drunk off her ass and fell overboard.