If you dont play chess you're probably not white

If you dont play chess you're probably not white.

Attached: Screenshot_20220914-133338_1.png (720x719, 52.68K)

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Nobody liked you when you did this shit on 420chan either.

chess is just pattern recognition

>Why are you uncomfortable, sweaty?
>It's okay, be curious. Let me see your hand.
>Feel that? That is called a 'neovagina'.
>Go ahead, stick your finger in there
>That's good, sweaty
>Keep doing that
>haah haah haaah
>that... haah... is called dialation
>Don't worry about the blood, hun
>That is just my neohymen
>That's right, every 20 hours I become a heckin virgin again
>We will be doing a lot more exploration and learning soon, sweaty.

Attached: 1662776477573.gif (639x715, 46.32K)

Imagine exchanging your dark square bishop in this position. Black is much worse.

I played chess for a while and I couldn't crack 1800 elo and I wasn't willing to put in the work to improve. Practicing a bunch of openings and getting destroyed by chess engines isn't exactly fun. Once you get past 1100 elo you'll dump on all your friends and they won't wanna play with you. Taking chess seriously at all is a surefire way to sap the enjoyment out of it.


Anyone want to play

Attached: 850712.jpg (568x736, 54.58K)

>gets outskilled by 90s era processors

>playing on chess.com instead of lichess

I've never played on chess.com, I took screenshot from lichees

I was interested in chess a year ago. But I gradually became dumber and lost interest.

Bro half the chess games right now are black

the other half are white, whats your point?

kek sure thing


I play chess online on my phone against friends. I plug my moves into a chess calc and beat them everytime. What race am I?

Attached: I dont care.gif (390x230, 1.12M)

Half of the figures are black, which is not historically correct.

>I am proud of you
Kek this user noticed it first.

every 3rd player is fucking indian you mong

Attached: 463301C4-D30A-4254-9006-75E48CA7EAB4.jpg (1284x561, 89.99K)


This is how i play it

I respect that you're playing chess in between cleaning toilets. Shows good focus. The game itself, like all games, is a waste of life.

Chess is a game MADE for computers, or a very specific kind of high-functioning autism. If you can see 5+ moves ahead on both sides, you're probably destined for professional chess. At least pro chess is chad

I call this game the Jewish board game or the Hebrew board game. It is like a magical game that has the ability to rocket you forward in time with no real accomplishments, leaving only with sleeplessness, eye strain, and hand fatigue. As stupid as it sounds I struggle with addiction to this as I've just deleted the app again yesterday. Do not play this demonic board game because you have REAL goals to accomplish and limited time to do it.

T. 2050 in bullet

I like the idea of making chess a white supremacist dog whistle.