Were men gelded by metoo?

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I looked it up, it's a synonym for castrated, probably for horses and such.


Probably in preparation for great reset stuff. Can't have alternative male leaders taking the flock away.

Last 10 years has been psychological terrorism against men.


seriously it's been fucking non-stop and most of us don't even fuck so it's like who's even having all this sex and getting to rape people it's fucking bullshit

>Did our smart sophisticated male leaders fail us regular guys?
Much better question

If something like Girls Gone Wild can exist and be advertised on network tv, why can't MeToo also exist?

Exactly lol, it becomes more intense the less guys fuck. The gelding intensifies the more submissive men are.

its over

not for long lol
only for the vaccinated.

I was watching some younger people react to the scary movie films on youtube ( for example youtube.com/watch?v=SXV6iuRfa84)

It was interesting, they found them funny for the most part. But some of the jokes they were like 'woah that hasn't aged well' and said something like 'I want to react in the right away so I don't get in trouble from the viewers'. The less 'PC' jokes.

It made me think these films were a good example of the Millennial humor around the year 2000. We were not gelded, we had a sort of humorous bravado. An sjw would be seen like an uncool ninny that nobody would like at the time..

I remember when my brother/cousin watched a film like this (your highness I think) with me after they had been through uni, they lost all humor and were critiquing it for sexism and stuff. Whereas, as younger people they would have found it funny.

I think the Scary Movie films are a good barometer for how mindfucked a modern male is.

>Millennial humor around the year 2000
most millenials would be too young do you mean gen X?

Well I was born in 1993, and was watching the Scary Movie films since I was around 8-9 years old. Scary Movie, Austin Powers, Monty Python, South Park and stuff was the beginnings of my exposure to humor/older people in the world etc. It was generally quite an irreverent non-gelded type of influence on a young mind.

PC was a thing even before 93. Bill Maher's original show politically incorrect would air on ABC of all places.
But even that was a cucked (or gelded) version from say the era of blazing saddles.
I much prefer the 60/70s where they would say nigger to shock you into thinking it was wrong.

You are right, I suppose before the 1990's things were even more non-gelded. Growing up I wasn't gelded, but I could definitely feel the pressure around me at sometimes, but the way I would deal with it was by being cheeky and humorous. They couldn't knock me down. It was before the internet was ubiquitous too, so I suppose I was in my own bubble to some extent. Blissfully aware of the opinions of the hordes of NPCs in the world. An early memory of mine was laughing at an MLK speech in assembly at school as a kid, some kid punched me lol. Even the kid punching me didn't bother/geld me, I just saw him as an angry kid(and he did have problems at home). I suppose that was an early example of the sjw conformer trying to geld me. But I genuinely found it funny just because of the way he pronounced everything. One of my best friends wasn't white and I didn't think about race, but I was irreverent especially when people were taking things too seriously.

>Blissfully unaware**

men were me tooed too.
men just don't talk about it. most sexual predators have a preference for men, and in that industry, all those industries where like any 1 in 30 dude can do the job because there isn't much to it, you gotta offer a power hungry creep what he wants, and he's power hungry because chances are he's a closested gay and has a little dick.

little dick scinces needs to be a cclass in high school. what to do and how to behave with people who have little dicks and might get a psychological complex about it.

Yeah I suppose the manipulators needed it to be a sort of man against woman thing completely.

what promps did you use? all my pics are blurry garbage.

Got it from biz.