I feel like killing myself...

I feel like killing myself. I have a spine injury thats destroyed my life and its so bad now it feels like the side of my neck js about to rupture. I'm 26, Ive missed my chance at uni, missed my chance at youth, friends or productivity. I'm a cripple and every day is a struggle to even walk. I used to hate porn but I ended up consuming more and more degenerate shit as an attempt to cope with the pain. Over the past 2 years my life has gone absolutely nowhere and it looks like I'll have this for the rest of my life. Its so fucking unfair, I went from normal to unable to lie down and sleep. And i've had it for so long everyone near me is fed up and wants me gone. This isnt the life I wanted to lead, a permaneet constantly in pain with headaches that make me mentally retarded. Its so shit. Just a single undiagnosed error has ruined my whole fycking life. Every day I wish I could just be reborn in another body and life, but it will never happen

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Are you here for physical therapy advice or just to bitch? either way not political

Grow some opium for the pain if it's that bad, what kind of meds do they give you?

kys or just aquire the cahones to spout your bs irl and someone will do it for you rather abruptly

how did it happen though

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what does one gain from lying on the internet

You really going to post all that and not give us details on the injury?

I dont know, all i know is my neck gets arthritis tier white pain and the bone joints bunch up in a zig zag, head throbbing, whole head numbness, migraines, hot painful and tickling dizzy feeling around my ears that feels like a needles prick, swelling sometimes at the base of my skull that makes me feel like a golfball is expanding in my neck, trouble breathing, my arms feeling like theyre about to fall off, nausea lightning back pain and even an extremely white strong pain in my chest when my back goes out there that gives me a horrible hot painful tickle in my left chest like a thick metal wire is scraping my heart, heart palpitations and at times feeling like someone's shoved a knife through my heart. And it gets worse the more I shift on my hip bones, so basically every time I sit down, lie down, walk or sit in a long car ride. I have had this every single day, and every single night, at varying levels, for the past two years without diagnosis or treatment. It has completely ruined every aspect of my life - my academic studies, my future career, my job, my social life my friends my fitness my hobbies my desire to find love, everything has gone up in flames. Right now the base of my skull is swollen like a balloon of blood and my neck is an S shape. No matter what I do it wont loosen nor will the bulge and swelling go down. I dream of life when i was normal then wake up to this hell

Hey Fren, I have a pretty good idea of what you're going through. My dad lost his legs when he was 18, he was changing a tire on the side of the road and a drunk driver ran over the backs of his legs. He contracted gangrene and they had to amputate both of them, he became depressed and suicidal. He didn't though, after he recovered he started going hard on strength training his upper body, he can walk on his hands now for a long time, still needs a wheel chair but the point is don't give up. He was a paraplegic mechanic for 35 years lol, I don't know your situation exactly but you can do this man. Since you're jerking off I imagine you have your upper body still right? Install a bar above your bed you can do chin ups with and at least get some aggression and pain out.

Let's make this shorter and simpler. What parts of your body AREN'T being tortured by hell's legions?

have you taken an MRI? Is there no bulging spinal disk?

Suicide is dumb. At least take a couple rich Jews/politicians out with you.

See a chiropractor and get some pain meds. Wear a neck brace for a few weeks. Your body knows how to regenerate.

You should. Whites don't deserve to live

Aren't you the guy from the LivePD stream?

Just fly to Canada you can get MAID for pretty cheap

Well, if you want permission, you have it. There's probably no way you can live a decent life without assistance at this point. There's probably no point if you're hell to be around and nobody loves you enough to suck it up. If you can get the attention of a charity or a research hospital or something, you could keep living just to see if they can figure out a treatment. If that can't happen, well, just keep in mind who's going to have to clean you off the floor.

just go to a chiropractor nigger

firstly, make sure you are getting a good whole foods, fresh air, enough exercise (whatever sort you're capable of).

make a goal you can achieve and that you can look forward to, try to get closer achieving it incrementally. focus on what you can change, not stuff you can't. also try to help others who need it.

So what have you done to fix your situation?

btw I did uni at that age and it was fine

What would you suggest he does?

So this is obviously number 1 priority in your life. Get off Any Forums and live in the doctor's office/hospital until you solve this. Time, money, and relationships are irrelevant compared to getting the right diagnosis and getting it fixed

See a chiropractor and invest in a good commercial massage chair. Do it today. I was you 3 years ago.

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Best advice.
OP needs to go everywhere he can until it's solved.

This. I had a neck injury/compressed disc that was leading to weakness, numbness, shooting pain in my left arm and up and one session at the chiropractor sorted me out. I stayed with that one for a few years and try to occassionally go to a walk-in one around here. I know for my spine & neck injuries they've always done wonders.

Take a moment and banish all malicious entities from your body by the power of Christ.
Mean it.
Do it sincerely.
Then prepare to blast your ass all over the toilet as your body detoxes all the shit that's piling up around your spine.

Read this book op!


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I have an aussie friend in Canberra and well sorry m8 you might need to go to America to get a proper diagnosis (and yes it'll cost a lot of money).

Could be something small and fixable (spinal cord impingement), could be something major and unfixable (degenerative disease of some sort), or something in the middle (i.e. degenerative disease but they can surgically fuse the involved vertebrae which would limit your range of motion but keep you pain free)

But we and more importantly you need more information about what's going on

What type of advice are you looking for? I'm not judging, just genuinely want to help.