He makes a valid point

He makes a valid point

Attached: Vaush.png (589x340, 28K)

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Trans women aren't women. Cause women dont have y chromosomes

I'd turn that faggot into a nigger

>literally who twitter screencap
>he makes a valid point

I propose a 50% increase in Jannie pay to combat slide threads like these.

I literally want to minecraft this seething pedophile loser

No he doesn’t. Women have exclusively X chromosomes. Men have a Y chromosome. Period..

No one cares unless you come after kids. Cut off your dick please. Don't just talk shit, lop it off.

all women have vaginas

Attached: 1662603832426589.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Who is Vaush's dad?

Attached: images (28).jpg (490x557, 42.91K)

There are absolutely no women born with a penis. Troons are mentally ill men with mutilated penises. End of stupid conversation.

Nope. Strawman. Literally the first commandment broken. The guy is a complete clown.

Attached: gfd.jpg (251x201, 7.04K)

Why does every thread about some fat retarded youtuber always start with 'he has a point/he is right'. Get a new gimmick.

did you just assume their gender?

There is absolutely nothing feminine about "trans women." They look like men with facial hair, hard jawlines, male pattern baldness, wide shoulders, and narrow hips. They behave like men with aggression, strong sex drive, and interest in autist-tier hobbies like video games.

There is NOTHING female about them. The only defining trait is that they get aroused when wearing women's clothes.

Trans women are women, just come out of the closet already Chudcels

Attached: 1655615656011.png (1510x1785, 860.37K)

I don't see the problem. We're just becoming irrational.

Go with that. It means it's OK to just round up whoever we want and kill them.

Mass murder is the order of the day. For no reason except that it's fun.

women don't have penises, nor a stump where a penis once was.
and before you even say intersex, no, they're not women

I hate myself for posting in this bot thread, but what is it that "cis women" have that "trans women" supposedly don't? I can't work out this strawman, because it's too vague.

No it's not retard
There are also other genetic conditions like androgen insensitivity syndrome where folks have the opposite chromes of their sex at birth
Right wing Chuds with their infantile black and white world view, yikes

Attached: Chud-min.png (952x3012, 290.61K)


EVERYONE has X. Dumb faggot.

Intersex is not the same thing as being "transgender". What you perverts call "transgender" are simply male autogynophiliacs. They are perverts, like you, Lucas Roberts and Vaush, whom is an open pedophile.

What's his point?

I love this nonsense because it exemplifies the definitional back-flips these idiots will pull to make their "points."

Women have vaginas. Some women might have deformed, sealed-up, or otherwise medically fucked up vaginas, but these are exceptions that generally prove the rule, and those women likely suffer greatly for it. Trans women do not comprise that category because a gaping surgically-created crotch-hole is not a vagina in any sense of the word, but it's a simulation of one as best as some back-alley doctor can create. Analogizing their stupid Thai-designed shitcaves to the suffering of women with medical conditions is a huge slap in the face to those women.

Ditto for tits, of course. You can jam a bunch of silicon into my chest and call them breasts, and you can even feed me a bunch of weird-ass hormones to make me create milk, but they are not breasts. They are puffy silicon bags made to emulate breasts through hormonal fuckery. Flat-chested women might not have much to call breasts, but they're breasts.

The problem is, when you get into these fights with these retards, you inevitably lose because you end up playing their definitional game of what a real "vagina" is or someshit like that. They want you bickering over dumb shit like whether a hole is a vagina instead of focusing on the fact that their surgical fuckery is little more than playing surgical dress-up to feed their sexual fetish of being a woman.

trans women stink. like rotten flesh. its an indicator of what they are

nigger, u dumb as hell. Just any generic female traits.
>vagina, low body hair, no male pattern baldness, xx chromosomes, wide hips, short stature, narrow shoulders, low muscle mass, lower tendency to physical violence, high voice, etc.

There are genetic conditions that cause humans to have 3 arms instead of 2, but it's generally accepted that humans have 2 arms.

And if there was a group of mentally ill people who get surgeons to create make shift third arms from them, we still wouldn't put them in the same category as the group of people with malformations.

To start with, transgenderism is 100% a disorder happening in the brain, not in the body.