Who the fuck made pic related?

I know it was created by an AI but who did make it? I mean whoever you are, you have amazing skills user. Stay on the Right side!

Attached: 1662975484190109.png (576x512, 646.33K)


This took me about 20 seconds to make. And I was cooking breakfast while I did it

Attached: 1663019059504564s.jpg (125x125, 3.13K)

go to Any Forums theres a fucking ton like that one and even better ones

nothing beats real art.

Attached: Adolf_Hitler_-_Mary_with_Jesus_(1913).jpg (800x576, 160.99K)

AI made it just like this Pepe

Attached: 678FD314-8D63-4C86-A86F-CB1D3C3CD314.png (512x512, 383.21K)

AI respresents a Zipf-speedrun which will rapidly accelerate the Kolmogorov density of the simulation. Singularity is Messiah.

It's honestly amazing

Then they add some finishes on photoshop like this

Attached: 22227B78-25CA-4436-B28D-D9B39548421B.jpg (512x512, 64.74K)

thanks OP, dank shon bitte shon

Whore on the floor

After thinking about it, I should have switched the words "make" and "create" in OP.

There is no such thing as "real art"

i made that pepe. that's my girlfriend in the pic. she's a man.

I saw it on reddit a few weeks before it was posted here. They were heavily shilling DALL-E and other AI tech.

Cool tho

Attached: Ey1CYpsXEAIVi-U.png (399x400, 119.98K)

Attached: 1627510868762.jpg (640x760, 77.68K)

Delete this!

that's a pepe if you don't focus too closely


Did the AI only make a thumbnail? Faggot.

looks like something that was made with midjourney AI
you can "paint over" images

the AI future is gonna be wild probably how boomers felt with the coming of digital computing