
Is the 40k universe/pol/ approved?

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gow up, fucking manchild

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It can be and GEoM represents a united humanity where there is no religion (jews) and niggers are actually likeable. Great game and setting. Horrible company.

Second post is best post


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I have never seen a functioning adult that would be into 40k

i'm not too deep into the lore but aren't humans basically fighting a losing battle in a declining empire?

Time to grow up nigga. No different then liking tranime.

No. Games Workshop literally said they don't want our money. Besides good paint they produce nothing of value and even their paint sucks in comparison to higher end brands like Warcolours and they have a worse selection than Coat D'Arms and a worse starter palette than P3 Privater Press paints, so even their paints are pretty shitty and too expensive and their paint pots suck balls and their washes suck balls. The only paint of theirs worth buying is the contrast paints and half of those suck balls. Their figures are horribly sculpted now, terrible theme, mixing space and fantasy sucks balls, and they have said flat out they hate free speech and they side with censorship and the communists so FUCK THEM FOREVER! I'll continue to resin print FOREVER and have millions of figures for like $50 dollars worth of resin. They can GO TO HELL. Get woke, go broke.

nah the humans are the ones who are constantly invading the aliens, their empire is declining but they still btfo everyone

Why do you need approval? Are you a cuck?

No, they went woke

games workshop is a confused, kiked up company. pirate 40k games, buy minis second hand

Fpbp /thread

Who gives a fuck what people in this cesspool think

We're more influential than you have guessed maybe. Scared?


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Like others sed, grow up

back to plebbit you fag

GW is in a desperate scramble to 'un fash' the setting, since they cannot be seen to be promoting authoritarianism by making it look cool. Needless to say it's a very messy and stupid process.

They are down to a very small handful of people who even care about the setting. Once those guys leave it will just be women and faggots handling the franchise.

The solution will be to end the timeline and do some sort of setting reset how they did with age of sigmar(awful btw).

The whole point of 40k is every faction is morally grey at absolute best. There are no "good guys" in 40k.

Fantasy is better.

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>HFY universe
>christian symbolism everywhere
>jesus is actually real
>lgbt faction accurately depicted as monstrous demon worshippers
>humans and aliens don't live side by side in a gay utopia like mass effect

the only fictional work based enough to be compared to 40k is starship troopers (the book, movies are only unintentionally good)

>no "good guys" in 40k.

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Yeah 40k is good, but GW is full of shit though, tried saying it was all satirical.

>GW is in a desperate scramble to 'un fash' the setting, since they cannot be seen to be promoting authoritarianism by making it look cool. Needless to say it's a very messy and stupid process.

Yeah what's up with that, the authoritarianism was neccesary.


>no "good guys"

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