Can ADHD be cured?

Can ADHD be cured without (((jewry)))?

Before modern times, people with ADHD were hunters, soldiers, explorers, scientists, etc. whereas normies did the boring repetitive occupations like farming, street sweeping, shoveling shit, and so on.

Having ADHD is not a disadvantage outside of modern society. but it is crippling in this gay clown earth where you are expected to be obedient goy cattle doing repetitive tasks for Mr. Shekelstein until you die.

People in education don't want to deal with difficult or different people, they do their best to get rid of them.

Society as a whole doesn't care, you need to function as a slave and consumer - take the pills/vaccine/whatever.

ADHD is only a disease because of how this society works, and how you have to function in this society. Going to work, studying at school etc.

Imagine if you were a stoneage hunter who got an dopamine hit out of hunting and could hyperfocus on it. You'd be the best damn hunter in the village.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Boys of high intelligence, short attention spans, and hyperactivity have another unique, seemingly paradoxical trait: hyperfocus. You can put those traits together and understand you could produce wise, learned, experienced men who understood much of the world. Of course this is feared.

If a caring father is present he likely possesses similar traits and can guide the child into productive outlets. ADHD diagnoses are far more prevalent in boys of single mothers.

Adderall is quite literally amphetamine, they give hard drugs to boys whose shitty single mothers want them to shut up and stay in their room while she swipes tinder. It numb them and depresses their natural way of discerning bullshit, discovering the world and learning. The sought-out dopamine kicks that come from truly stimulating the child mind's instead come from an amphetamine addiction. The addiction continues into adulthood or is replaced by other drugs, cessation causes depression and somnolence.

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Psychiatry is a pseudoscience.


Don’t romanticise it
It mostly sucks

Yes and their 'medicines' are quite literally chemical weapons meant as long-term torture.
They cause more 'side-effects' than therapeutic effects and these side effects are meant to undercut you intellectually and emotionally.
Rosenhan exposed how psychiatry and mental institutions were total scams in the 70s & 80s, his study is fantastic. Also read about his epic followup trolling in response to the shrinks' criticism.

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Please sir could I have some more?

Most mental problems, like most health issues can be corrected through self-healing. Doctors want you to live an unhealthy lifestyle so they can “treat” you and profit. Psychiatrists want you to live in an environment not conducive to your mental health so they can “treat” you and profit.

That being said, theee professionals have a role to play when the case calls for heroic intervention. If your aorta just collapsed you need a heart surgeon. It might have been an unavoidable congenital defect of your heart, or it could be related to your lifestyle and, therefore, preventable. Either way, once your heart pops, it’s time for a doctor to step in.

The same goes for mental health. There are genuine cases of massive mental illness that require the patient to be sedated and medicated for their own safety. However, most maladjusted individuals are more or less sane. Their symptoms are a natural response to living in an unnatural environment.

As long as the doctors and patients are trapped in a cycle of incompetence, victimization, and exploitation we will never realize the full potential of medicine. Some day we will live in a manner conducive to mental, physical, and spiritual health.

By the way, there is a Matrix room from some previous threads which you can enter in your Matrix client. Or just click (you can create a new account on with a throwaway email)

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ADHD prevents us from being brainwashed.


Tell that to the schizo that lives in my street and thinks he’s the son of Jesus Christ


Amphetamines are the cure. That's why the jew controlls access to them. Stanford and Harvard are on more speed than a Las Vegas trailer park, but somehow that's not a problem. When normies take speed they get jittery and act strange. When ADHD people take it, they can focus and even take naps. Take speed.

As I said before, "there are genuine cases of massive mental illness that require the patient to be sedated and medicated for their own safety."

Look up Jerry Marzinsky and his work. He worked with criminal schizophrenics for 30+ years and came to the conclusion that the "voices" heard by schizos are not hallucinations, but separate intelligences, who all exhibit the same behaviors and patterns, and tell schizos the same basic things, and react the same way to certain information and situations. He calls the voices "energy parasites" who generate negativity in patients in order to siphon off their negative energy. He also discovered that patients who smoked/injected meth were particularly susceptible to these entities, and when they were high they could even see "Shadow People".

These entities also seem to correlate directly with what the Catholic Church defines as "demons" and what 17'th century Christian mystic Emanuel Swedenborg encountered as "spirits" during his trips to Heaven and Hell.

jewry causes it why do you think there is a cure?

I have ADHD and it really, sincerely, sucks. It's life ruining. At least I have confirmation I am nevertheless pretty intelligent, as I have just absolved an exam in formal model theory, real analysis, and other math shit (and before you shout autist, my minor is a humanity, philosophy).

brain inflammation issues and hormonal issues are the cause behind 99% of "mental illness". You can fix those with diet and exercise, you make it worse with vaccines, mercury dental fillings, sugary drinks or other goyslop foods, sedentary lifestyle

source: the voices in my head told me

As Ted said "The concept of “mental health” in our society is defined largely by the extent to which an individual behaves in accord with the needs of the system and does so without showing signs of stress."
However there are things we can do. Go to church, have Mannerbund.

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Yup. All you gotta do is drink your urine. Look into urine therapy, healed me of several chronic issues. Urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma.

>t. TREanon

What it's like:

Do you start every mundane task by first battering yourself into submission?

Mental health is trauma stored in the body, and not in our heads.

Just gotta do TRE

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chasing pleasures will never be fulfilling, learn to be satisfied with the present
anyone who says "do drugs" is kidding themselves, you will be forever chasing the dragon

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Not EU flag, but yeah mostly when I’m not on methylphenidate and the task isn’t instantly rewarding


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There is a torrent for Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) with video demonstrations:
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b35087869adf485c7295db508e4fa12595ad9f6b&dn=David+Berceli+-+Trauma+Releasing+Exercises+-+(2004).avi&tr=udp:// (and screencaps linked in

Mundane tasks are mostly not really a problem. Actually, I find it perplexing whenever normies talk about how they hate "doing the dishes" or such things, because washing the dishes and other such tasks is something I don't struggle with. When I am done eating, I always just immediately wash them by hand. Nothing can ever accumulate. ADHD is pretty inoffensive here, because the instant feedback releases enough dopamine.
I have more problems with a task that requires more than 10 minutes, and which is for lack of a better term "boring" (as studying is). I realize that normies find long studying session usually also boring, but as I said, I have no better way to describe just how unable ADHD makes this.

Also had the flair due to another thread.

Problems with concentration and restlessness stem from wind and excess heat in the head. Feelings of anger and frustration are often rooted in Liver Qi stagnation. Troubles with the appetite and digestion are often connected to deficiency in the Kidneys and Spleen. Thus, acupuncture treatment and herbal preparations will be designed to clear heat, get Liver Qi moving freely, and strengthen the Spleen and Kidneys.

I know I made them

I think literal milk plus 1/4 tsp salt cures neuroinflammatory disorders by patching the gut / brain axis.

The salt predigests the milk so it doesn't cause joint pain, and instead acts as a healing drink.

Arthritis is caused by undigested proteins ruining the gut lining and causing inflammation.

Before modern times there wasn't ADHD, people didn't eat grains and goyslop that inflamed the brain, and they certainly didn't inject mercury into their children.

And you know the worst thing you can fucking do for ADHD? Take adderal etc,

I'm so tired of hearing normie platitides. Do you have any idea what the fuck you are talking about,or did you just hear somebody else say this once? Chasing the Dragon? You're a fucking hylic. Go back.

Honestly tho… drinking your urine will probably work better than TRE

Oat fiber is good to neutralize dietary fat too.

ADHD is a fake diagnosis made up by american doctors to sell more drugs to healthy, active kids because american healthcare is a profitable business that has little regard for your well-being

its not always adderall, i was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, doctors tried putting me on ritalin to help, the logic is that somehow a substance that causes mania in normal people works to lessen hyperactivity in people with ADHD. Ritalin was a bad fit for me, according to my mum, I was awake for 36 hours straight, then crashed hard and slept for 15 hours, she went to the doctor and told them what happened, I was never put on ritalin again. in contrast im now on a different medication that does much the same thing as ritalin, and it works quite well.

ADHD is best described as being like a butterfly, fluttering from flower to flower, where the fluttering is your focus, you jump from focus to focus, but can't really control how long you stay in one spot so to speak.

I don't really know or understand WHY stimulants like ritalin work to calm and extend the ability to focus in some ADHD people, all I know for sure is that I get more work done on a single point of focus when I'm either on my medication, or buzzed out of my fucking mind on half a dozen coke cans.

I dont understand it, I just know from experience that it works.

I might have figured out how to eat anything ad libitum and lose weight.

Trust me, if you could eat anything and get away with it, you would.

humans are fickle, you only have to try a few drugs or video games, movies, women, countries, to realise that everything is the same and you won't discover something amazing that will satisfy you for a lifetime and cure you of your mental illness
learn to focus your mind out of the earthly world and onto God, the infinite, and away from the hedonistic treadmill, finite pleasures
just being happy to be alive and not constantly thinking "what if I had this thing" or "what if I felt like this instead"

>itt: people discover stretching for the first time in their lives

Stop watching porn everyday, stop browsing tons of tiktok videos, stop mindlessly scrolling every social media avaiable, stop f5'ing Any Forums, etc. etc.
A lot of young people say that they have ADHD, while they just have deep fried their brain for the Internet, and need a break.
How the fuck are they supposed to concentrate with all these stimuli anyway?

>implying its "something" at all
parents and teachers in the 90's and early 2000's were popping these into kids like candy because fuck actually parenting and actually dealing with kids.
now look at the state of America and the western world as a whole.

How the fuck would you know?

Sauce on that bro, sounds interesting. I recently gave up lectins for a similar reason. Gut health is a massive redpill

Well you see, I don't have ADHD, so I can easily do my own research

>Urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma.
Your blood plasma is the ultra-filtered blood plasma. What's filtered out is your urine.

That’s a fallacy
The absence of proof doesn’t prove the absence

That happened to my cousin, who is the same age as me (33 now). His mom is a nurse so that explains it. When he was about 30 he spoke to a few top doctors and they told him he was on them for so long including through his brain development that he rewired his brain chemistry and will probably never be able to get off them. That's freaky man, it could have been me

Urine is filtered blood dude. It has all your critical antibodies. And it literally regrows new brain neurons.

It is a dopamine metabolic dysfunction, the same basic underlying dysfunction as Parkinson’s disease except located at the thalamus. The DAT (dopamine transporter) doesn’t work correctly and so DRDA 1-5 (receptors) don’t receive the proper amount of DA (dopamine), which is your brain’s gasoline.

The thalamus works similarly as a fuel filter and in the case of ADHD and your brain, subconscious bleeds into the conscious as well as an overly sensitized sensory experience and, of course, fuel doesn’t properly work its way to the frontal and prefrontal cortex.

You CAN live a peaceful and happy life WITHOUT meds if your life is one of adventure and physical exertion. A great example would be a homesteader. Of course, there are other examples like artists, military battlefield soldiers, etc...

The problem lies with everyday, non-exceptional or non-intense lifestyles of modern society. This is where a person with ADHD will struggle exceptionally for they are a square peg being forced into a round hole.

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