Vaxxies are rabid leftists, liars and weak people, neurotic hive minds who ostracized their own family...

>vaxxies are rabid leftists, liars and weak people, neurotic hive minds who ostracized their own family, disgusting roasties, or people who have directly wronged me
You want me to be upset at jews and not encourage my enemies to get the clot shot? Gates & co deserves a medal

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There are a lot of people out there who are perfectly happy with their vaccinations and don't see what the big deal is. Why should we listen to the opinion of a small group of people who are so against vaccinations?

>thanks botposter.

When did I imply ever stopping you? The trash takes itself out. You misread my post. Bye bye now. Make sure to get boosted fag.

The extremist vaxxies absolutely deserve everything that happens to them. But, they want to drag everyone else with them and some people would lose their entire livelihood if they didn't

I need you to be strong enough to post this on twittter.

>category: weak
The eugenics program is working perfectly. No refunds. Thank you come again.

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Hasnt Any Forums influenced a few movements in the past? Free bleeding, bald for bieber, etc. Vaxxies are dying off slow, why not speed it up by getting some boosting thing to start trending on twitter or flesh eating disease for all vaxxed that dont continue being up to date with vaccinations.

The only tragedy with the vaccines is that the profiteers and their minions aren't swinging from lampposts. Perhaps they will be soon.

Did a Zoom interview today with the HR twat at a company. When I asked if they mandated the vax she went on some diatribe about how they promote a healthy and safe working environment, blah, blah, blah. I cut her off and demanded a "yes or no" answer. It was no.
Friggin' lefty bubbly heads can't even give you a quick, direct answer to a simple question without defaulting to one of their scripted responses. These people would rather talk and virtue signal while their house is burning down rather than grab the fire extinguisher.

My crazy ex-fiancee died last month. She was double-vaxxed and double-boosted. Died after having massive hematomas (clots) removed from her lungs. She was the biggest vaxxtard around. No one in her family (100% vaxxtards) even suspects it might have been vaccine-related. It's really weird.

A lot of people took it to provide for their families.
An incel with no children wouldn't understand.
You will never know the feeling of seeing your child born. How it changes everything. Knowing that this new life, your blood, depends on you.
All you think about is snacks, jacking off and vidya. You are basically arrested at 8 years of development with a dash of porn addiction from urges you have never been able to control. You will never improve and will go extinct. Your pureblood means nothing and will go nowhere.

Don't forget your monkeypox shots.

>These people would rather talk and virtue signal while their house is burning down rather than grab the fire extinguisher.
Why would you need a fire extinguisher? We have firefighting people, just call them.

Yeah yeah

>Yeah yeah
Seriously, they have a litany of excuses for being weak cucks. They just assume anyone that won't support their weak cuckery needs to be demeaned and ridiculed.
Pathetic creatures, they are.

>You will never know the feeling of seeing child porn.

Congratulations. You've made it through the first round of hunger games. No time to look back. Be ready for your next challenge. 2 minus, two more weeks

>A lot of people took it to provide for their families.
You're just a cuck bitch.
It was all empty threats but you instantly complied and let them buttfuck you.
I'm a fed glownigger and Joe Biden is literally my boss and I never got vaxxed.
If your employer required the vaxx, all you had to do was file a request for a religious exemption and say that God told you not to get vaxxed and there's nothing they can do about it.
You pathetic faggot.

Thas a copypasta new fren

He doesn't want you to listen to him.

He wants you to keep holding out your arm for your biological competitors to have access to your core biological processes.

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Shut up vile faggot.

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>Why should we listen to the opinion of a small group of people
You mean like faggots?

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I wonder what her blowjobs feel like