I want to learn about jews

I already know they rule the world now I wanna know how they live, what are their goals, what are their ways of achieving these goals.
I'm not talking about big fishes, just their community overall. Recommend books and materials.

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i'm poor, i have no friends, no girlfriend, autistic, and short, i will kill myself when i finish my backlog and read all my books

It's okay big nose incel not all of you are bad desu

The same jews that otomans saved from inquisition destroyed the Caliphate

How come you Christ killers don't build or farm?

And yet idiots on this board say they faked the Holocaust….

Any Forums is now twitter+reddit. All of the oldfags left, so hop on picochan endchan or nanochan using Tor and you can probably learn a thing or two. Download Tor browser and leave this place. Spread the word... Yes they are moderately all active.




Very semitic, very semitic.

That's how they get you. You show sympathy and in a couple of generations they're running your banks and media.

Have your parents tell you that you're better than the goim?
Do you fear someday goim will turn on you?
What is the reason to accumulate all this wealth by your people?

most people in the west aren't builders or farmers

my mom tells me i'm handsome yet all girls avoid me on the street and i keep getting humiliated by taller men. i don't need the gentiles to turn on me as every possible person in my life already has

if you do a genuine deepdive into jews you will find a disorganized group that has tons of infighting. The real redpill is that they are a neurotic group of generally intelligent people who have lots of intergenerational wealth. You will find they are not some unified hivemind.

you could always do something about why OP's pic keeps happening
PROTIP: it's not you, it's them and their "progressive" values

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You've got to be the worst Jew I've ever heard of.

i don't think i will, eat the bug and be happy :)

I would crush your skull like a grape and shit on your corpse.

he crazy

Jews don't rule the world. The Bible says Humans rule the world, which includes both jews and christians, this is in the story of Adam and Eve.

Silence parasite.

lots of pedophilia among jews, its the boys rite of passage to get his foreskin chopped off and blood sucked by the Rabbi, and then when he enters the Judaism brainwashing system, the Rabbi molests the boys as the Rite of Passage basically breeding endless future Pedos

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I hope that the gentiles here can help inflate your ego by conspiracy theories, even if other jews don't respect, you can count on anti-semites to worship you and see you as powerful. Anti-semites won't abandon you. They will always see you as their ruler.

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You didn't answer any of his questions.

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