This cures cancer, aids, brain fog and headache

Attached: 71-g7kjSLmL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (814x1500, 122.97K)

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And gives you stomach ulcers

>he still takes pills
dumbfuck faggot

it also burns a hole through your stomach

Can confirm. I take 81mg every day and I have never had cancer, aids, brain fog or headache. Also, never had a hole burned in my stomach.

Works great on hangovers. I can go sober painlessly for a few minutes as I go get some more beer.

Stuff exists for almost 100 years.

Only during the 70-80's did the stomach ulcer narrative start.

Out of pure luck around that time paracetamol was getting released.

Yeah nothing will happen most likely.

helps against blood clots too

It also causes stomach problems

Stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria. Funny thing was before knowing this doctors spread it to patients without the disease because they didn't clean endoscopes as "nothing can live in the stomach"

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And brain hemorrhage

I had gout attack back in april I took it every day for a week and after I got rid of gout I got ulcer. Had to eat nothing but cabbage and bone broth for couple months

Are you retarded? It prevents brain hemorrage by diluting micro clots that are susceptible to get bigger and burst. It’s the staple medication for people with high cholesterol and conditions that causes increased coagulation.

Based alcoholic

Chemical garbage.

have been taking a baby (75mg) aspirin daily for a while now. honestly i feel better

Better take willow bark

> Phizer shill thread #98765432
it's all so fucking tiresome, I wish Vlad would just nuke us already

Attached: pfizer vs ivermectin.png (1406x520, 73.47K)

The original Bayer Aspirin works 20-30% better than other ones because of differences in isomer distribution during the manufacturing process.

I take 200 - 300 mg per day, really good stuff.

well-poisoning, literal and figurative

Attached: agnes buzyn.jpg (697x856, 113.95K)

>sold tainted HIV aspirin to 3rd world countries
>millions infected with aids
>small fine
Keep taking their product goyim.