If you are happy an you know it clap your hands!

>If you are happy an you know it clap your hands!

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Nice, he got a $1.00 medal, worth it

Man that's just sad, no more brother wars

Jesus I thought he had his arms bend backwackds at first as some Kind of weird military ritual

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putin will provide him with a trad wife (former hooker) to take care of him for the rest of his days on a pension

if ukrainians just gave up and let the special operation arrest the kiev nazis, this guy would have both hands

how did he lose both hands?

war is hell. normies dont get this. strike first

this is just sad but you're too stupid to admit it

That's why 3rd worlders are taking over UK. These are not your borders, they are not compatriots or equals. You're learning that the hard way yourself, but still I guess that's not enough to understand.

He would rape and shoot your children without blinking if given orders.
You're weak.

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*brothers. WTF did Vivaldi introduce some auto-correction or something?

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Of course the ukraine rapeugee who fled their shithole is the one bitching

The Christmas Truce debunks this. Without jews, there would be peace.

You don't seem to be mentally capable to write anything valuable, so I guess I'm right.
You can call me hohol, jew or slavshit or whatever, ultimately it doesn't change the fact that you're dumbass that should be thanking God Mexicans are invading the USA peacefully.

In a real conflict, you'd be blown the fuck out, you have zero idea how the world works and what is human nature. Enjoy your quiet decay and social and institutional disintegration, don't worry about Europe.

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>muh human nature
stop projecting your sociopathic shit on others. Ya ya I get it you're enlightened-by-your-own intelligence-cynic bravo you're the smartest one on the website.

an explosion of some kind.

>The Christmas Truce debunks this. Without jews, there would be peace.
are you comparing fucking French, English or Germans to Asiatic hordes?

For a paycheck worse than one they'd have here cleaning toilets, they are killing their own brothers (Ukrainians) for literally nothing. People that look often the same, speak mostly the same and often literally the same language, have the same customs etc.

Picked his nose in the wrong time and place.

sorry, next time I'll post something about BBC, cuckoldry, monkes, or equally non-challenging stuff.

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When I was in the army and I went into the supply room I found a box of medals for awards like you find a box of pens. I threw my medal away shortly thereafter.