Arabian user, do you like Assassin's Creed?

Assassin groups originated in the Middle East and the reason for fighting is religious.
The modern day Islamic terrorists are basically the modern day version of the Assassins. They have the AK47 and the explosive undershirt.
So do you like the Baghdad version of Assassin's Creed?

Attached: 1662973570078.jpg (477x467, 65.43K)

fuck off ubishill

Yes can't wait to play it

Not arabian but I love Alexios and male Eivor they are so hot and gay.

Attached: alexios is cANON.png (1046x756, 932.95K)

No they fucking aren't, modern durkas strap bomb vests on children, these assassin from the old man in the mountains fought with honour

Go back to kiwifarms or 420chan faggot

its loki dummy


original assassins were drugged up elite killers, current terrorists are worthless niggers that blow up

I hope you can be gay in this one and the muzzies lose their shit

based beyond relief

Revert R6 back to its 2018 state Ubifaggot, you somehow managed to make the game worse every consecutive year after that.

Gay Muslims in Baghdad? Does Ubisoft really want to do that?

lmao devilish

It was literally in the original Assasin Creed, chud. Nobody gave a fuck back then.

Assassin's Creed Rogue was easily the best one, killing those assassin scum.

Kanst ich ein religiös Extremismus sein und sachte amerikanische und jüdische Schwein?
Dan magst ich dieser spiel.

Why the fuck would they do middle east again as a main entry? Niggers could have done east asia or meso america.

Why didn't they put the chinese game on console? We've already had like 3 middle eastern assasins games. Holy shit.

>3 middle eastern assasins games
The three?
The ac1 and Mirage. who else?
The origin is Egypt, and Egypt is in Africa.

from the thumbnail it looked like he had a really, really big nose for a sec

Töte sie dich selbst bitte.

Revelation had a lot of middle east irrc and it took place in instanbul

I have very low expectations towards new AC games.