Why are you guys so obsessed with Poland, is it envy or resentment?

Why are you guys so obsessed with Poland, is it envy or resentment?

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Nothing wrong with Poland.
Only people that hate Poland are butthurt gays and butthurt Russians


I really don't know, there is a lot of open resentment towards Poles among my country fellows, but it's not like they had resonable reson for it based in historical wrongdoings, like for instance the Uyghurs have towards China or the Ukrainians towards Russia.

I guess, it's just because we are their neighbours and we are being portrayed as evil because we once invaded them and commited a genocide on their ground, there is a quote from a Jeish Psychoanalyst "The Germans will never forget the Jews the Holocaust" and I thing it's a similar reason.

But it's not a German thing exclusively, the Russians and Chinese have been several times the perpetrators and genocidal maniacs, yet they feel no sympathy but resentment towards their former victims.

Poland is a based white christian nation. Only mutts, troons and vatniggers are triggered by it.

>Why are you guys so obsessed with Poland
It's just like a troon asking why people are obsessed with them after invading and infiltrating every single corner of the internet, forcing everyone to listen their room temperature IQ takes

>Burger cow is the most blacked

I m here for the awesome KURWAAAAH memes

thanks xbox bro

The opposite is the case.
Not a single day goes by without some Poleshit thread about Germany this, Germany that, or some Polish flag sucking American cock.

I'm gay and I love Polish people. If I have any manual labor, oddjobs or cleaning I would pick a Pole over a lazy Brit 9/10. And the men make good amateur gay porn, too. Sometimes in the same day.

Nobody cares about that garbage heap, get lost

Nikogo nie obchodzi ta sterta śmieci, zgub się

Nemo curat de coeno illo acervo, deerrare


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They bitch and complain too much

>zgub się
lmao, that's literal translation, correct translation would be "spadaj"

>commited a genocide on their ground
You're fucking cucked, bro. No you didn't. It's all lies.

There is no such thing like too much of complaining.

>act like nigger
>people get angry and call you out
>why people are bitching out and calling me a nigger?
It's not so hard to comprehend, is it?

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>is it envy or resentment?
Its mostly FSB and GRU + retarded westerners angry at us for constantly de-railing schemes of le based trad putin/russia

Halts maul Ahmed

This post is a Polish faggot in my country cleaning toilets.

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Do you really think people from the US care about Poland?