Why is everything centered around cities

I have a corporate sales job but I can’t take the city life anymore (never really could but culture and nightlife kept me going on). Everything grey, too many people, poor people, foreigners, traffic jams, running in the city is awful, woman constantly want to consoom so a peaceful life in the country where I eat good food, run in nature, hike seems out of reach..

Why is modern life build around fucking cities anons

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(((Culture))) and (((nightlife))) kept you going? Truly there is no hope for you if the most jewish parts of cities were you the things you wanted

Cause there's more people there. Like asking why everything about trees is centered around forests.

I fight for my precious niggers and the white whores that fuck them.

I was young, everyone change

If you're from brussels/walonia you're fucked, if you're from flanders just go to a medium sized city and you'll be golden.

Yeah but in the mainstream it is what is presented as the desirable lifestyle, jobs are centered there too
To avoid competition it could make more sense if some companies did relocate outside of big cities

Ja Koen, the difference in the job market with Flanders is night and day, you basically have to go to Brussel (or live there) every day to get a job

of course an anarcho capitalist would say this.
The founders of your ideology were jewish

OP covid debunked cities.

Cities are labour markets by definition. The biggest cities are most productive markets among the others. People always aspired to cities for jobs through all history
>inb4 muh wheatfields
completely irrelevant and that's the problem
>inb4 muh niggers and junkies in the cities
If they have no job, their presence is artificial (gibs), deport from the cities everyone who is not working there.

Well yeah. Being around people is the desirable lifestyle. Humans are social creatures.

Those are suburbs not cities. Dumb nigger

>I'm socially inept, I don't have friends, I don't have success with women and I cannot dance
Sour grapes, incel.
Also, what's wrong with culture, you philistine?
What are you, an incel AND a hillbilly?

There's lots of jobs all over Flanders, Bernard

I get his point, usually you live at the suburbs if you have to remain living close to the city in order to drive to work every day
That said, we don't have such suburbs in Belgium
Are suburbs are peak comfy, full of trees and quite close to cities and small towns. This is because our country is almost completely urbanized (at least the norther part)

Yeah that’s what I m saying, there is no jobs in Wallonia besides in the Public sector

Mainstream irl "culture" is non existent, completely taken over by the internet.
Nightlife is similarly negrified and disgusting.
Even access to niche groups has taken a big hit with the memeflu.
Meanwhile cities have become increasingly dangerous, dirty, noisy and ugly as more and more third worlders arrive.

I don't think that the current state of affairs is either efficient or sustainable.

I got out of the rat race with pic related. I'm not rich by any means yet but I did hit 500K eur networth in 5 years. I only had 10k 5years ago. I haven't worked the past year and wont work another year. and you are right. Cities are degeneration dens. now that high season is over I will go travel. prices are cheap when its not tourist season. i'll be out of this shithole the upcoming 6 months. anyway. if you buy 1000 eur worth of Bitcoin every 2 weeks for 3 years and then wait antoher 3 years you will be richer than everyone who is just going to work. you can buy a house no mortgage after that. I'm not buying here in Flanders its polluted and the weather sucks I'm preparing to buy in a different country. i'll stay here for the summer only.

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Asking the inportant questions, I see.
Bumping based bread

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Lucky you

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Own nothing and be happy, eat ze bugs, live in ze city.

nobody of you niggers can prove why actually this is bad

imagine living there, paying off your 40 year mortgage, driving to work everyday, a 3h/day commute. ah the american dream. (it looks like hell btw) slavecageboxes.

>woman constantly want to consoom
women choose mates by choosing whoever let her consoooom the most because that means he can obtain the most resource.

since cities are more efficient, it's much easier to prodoooooce and consoooooom in cities, which is why lives revolve around cities.

there's no alternative because sexual selection strategy was built into the core of women DNA over 5 billion years of life on earth.

I’m fucking desperate for someone to explain why houses being around other houses instead of around niggers is a bad thing.

why do americans hate the suburbs so much?
It doesn't look that bad to me

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>>nobody of you niggers

Put the cheap domestic piss water down and see that you can live in a place were all the houses aren't copycat particle board dumps that won't last by the time you pay your 30 year mortgage. Also I like living in places were my only options for shopping aren't driving 30 minutes to the local shart mart

Civilisation means city-isation. Reject Western civilisation; embrace Western honour culture.

>traffic jams
It's actually wonderful driving when you are more or less alone on the road and the Police are all in the cities policing the enrichment.

only american cities do this autism

also regardless of how optimally you plan your cities taajama is the most based form of habitation

They literally are drinking themselves dry in the south west because they are trying to sustain communities that were never meant for human habitation. Look at the satellite pictures of the reservoir in that part of the county 10 years ago compared to now. But hur dur as long as I get to water my 10×10 foot stretch of dead grass who cares

>Civilisation means city-isation.
After the internet that is no longer as true as before, as you needed to go to a shitty to get information and goods.

That's all going away.

NYSE and NASDAQ servers haven't been in NYC for a long time, and Covid has caused all the finance companies to go remote. Same with Silly-Con Valley. With time all other companies will go remote to save on rent and other costs for their white collar workforce.

That's assuming cryptocurrency doesn't take off, and if it does, then cities are double-fucked.

>i don't like it personally
The city infrastucture doesn't fucking cares about your feelings.
I don't like such cities either but such development has it's advantages