America already has a social credit score

and its through the Social Security Company
Here they are in picrelated, renigging on their previous decision and not giving cause so that you have no ability to appeal it. Without a reason, you can't appeal on what they had previously used to find you disabled on, it would be like cutting your own throat. And they made a decision prior on the same evidence; all of it, and decided to find (You) disabled.
I called them and they said there was NO reason for the decision at all. I said that can't be right and they said they can do "whatever they want".
They take our taxes then do this. Has anyone ever dealt with something like this before?
Oh, also I have more pics I can show and I can't keep a job because I get fired usually like for the last time by stealing my work and me catching the manager helping them and then them laughing about it (which is what let me know tehy were helping them) when I asked him to help me with that.
So, wtf do I do. Cont ill show the paper were they hid a incompetence verdict against me giving me no ability to defend myself towards in by the local judges

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Just based on the way you write I can tell that you qualify.

yea thats something a Brit would say.


I wouldn't worry if I were you OP

They told me they "do it all the time" which doesn't make no sense. If they did that, someone would hear about it or figure it out. and said something by now, this has to be HIGHLY illegal or they just dont give a shit and all the faggots jobs are on the line on it.
that really funny you little faggots. I have no money cant get no job and can't go to court since the courts hide their verdicts too as well as if tho they can just do that and they expect you to ?? beg? want you dead?

every last person is an idiot and wants to join the cult.
>huhuh this isn't going to happen to me with a social credit score. im soo funny too hiding like this haha oh wow im so funny. people really want to go along with me, denying their own self-preservation to do so.
Everybody is a retard who joined a psychopath's cult

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When you're done here, consider posting on Reddit. I don't mean that as a joke and I'm not telling you to GTFO. They're probably very enthusiastic about welfare there. Maybe you'll even attract the attention of a lawyer who would like to work with you.

my point is to get across that this is a cult and half of the people in america are in on it, and its for the lazy and do nothings to get into. this is why cops are so hostile and violent for too. They think they deserve this then they get the local cultists to join in on them then act like total assholes to the town while they think "hey this is great" and think theyre in the good boy group or something. Which is PRECISELY what takes place here.

I want attention to the cult aspect of this. Noone from the cult is going to help me, or a lawyer, unless they actually EXIST. my point is aMERICA IS FUCKED. WE HAve A SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE SYSTEM IN PLACE and they will use it against you if they need.
the only thing left for them to do is attempt to silence me and they think calling me crazy will do it. imagerelated

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You should probably starve to death. Why should anyone be forced to pay for your fat retarded ass?

How or why are you disabled user?

>Steals from employer
>Wonders why cant get no job

user pls....

the catholics did this to women they didn't like.
IMAGINE your area acting like this manner to you. and the people in the place were you live
i know right nigger
let me just go work a job
>gtfo im stealing your work
this whole welfare shit wasnt my idea anyway you knw that
i have a hurt back. thats what I said. its a long story tho about retarded judge ordering me to do drug rehab during a 99 felony eluding the cops case. but there was no drugs in volved, there was no drug in my court record except for marijuana.
and what pisses me off becuase this is what this is
when they sent me to western KY for the drug rehab halfway house part, they told me gtfo there with that "pot" shit, but didnt just let me leave, they said wait, anything ilke.. xanax's? i said no they said GTFO.
And thats where I'm from.
and my dad wrote a book hwo they would treat him like a mental retard when he was physically handicapped, and it got published, and i was born in western ky were he got a job. but all of eastern se central ky would rip his job applications up in front of him.

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Kys nigger felon, you will never get gibs again and that's a good thing.


its disabled by their decision. You could be a parapalegic and youre not disabled unless they say.
i told them bad back. this was asked of me by my mom while the doctor at the 72 hour involuntary hospitalization sat there saying they wanted to get me on Social security. I said how are you going to do that and the Dr just rolled her eyes into the top of her head. Once i said, I have a bad back, they started off on all this shit.
Asked me to do a guardianship and i said hell no, wont lose my right to a gun, voting, etc. >see image
They said no itd just be like a partial guardianship
i was asked to sign a paper for this, but it said on it "full" so, I editted the paper. To save my ass with later.
IVe asked the lawyer who did this case and now he tells me they 'dont have to have a signature... Ok sure. Then this cant be used against me for ORDERING EVALUATIONS with or ANY medical procedures.
This court case happened 2 years after the Social dsecurity started.
i would of just otok the back pay check and got a car and moved to a better town and got a job i had gave to me in 2001 at HP but they stole it from me at the "drug rehab" shit i stayed at.
yea that shit kept giong on and they kept it up like that
they dont even care about the guardianship anymore cause they got now what they wanted. I found this ORDER by the judge after I saw I was took off the voter registration but not for 10 years or so cause it wasn't affecting me or becuase I wasnt consenting to it, i wasn't aware of the implications really..
You know.
WHen i did i seen the judge say he would send his verdict from the hearing to the lawyer, if it was incompetent. and then i find removed from voting for incompetent..

Those charges were going to be dropped if i ran through teh "drug rehab" by the court... thats why I keep forgetting to put this, that I went along with IT.
now drop my charges maliciuosly behaving judge

Dude I cant really follow what your story is. Can you please give a more coherent explanation of whatever issue you are having?

I cant even get a lawyer for a car accident case I have now. I got hit by this guy and had, a concussion and whiplash and couldnt turn my neck for about 8 weeks.
My lawyer I had dropped me because i wouldnt basically throw my video out of the trial and go along with them paying me because the cop said it was their fault. he told me I didnt have shit with my video...
So thats what they did to that guy in this other case, to keep the jury from deliberating over the store cam too...
it has become a tactic now and (im not from se ky)
its a long drawn out story.
the issue is the OP. the image. What is your issue your having understanding that?

everything else is just added info on how i cant even just work a normal job either by court orders and literally HIDDEN VERDICTS imagerelated

Now tell me, how do i work and what do i do for money when i cant draw social security because they give me no ability to appeal..
It is, a social credit score and IM on the 0 score list becuase of the head of the snake lives in this county and is a psychopath, expects me to kiss his ass or something, he can go to hell, and the rest of teh county/state/country is part of it and won't do anything but pretend this is ok, and think it wont happen to them. THIS IS what a social credit score looks like.

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Reasonably beleived
this is what they used against me in that Trial i was in..
see the PURSUANT TO: part?
same thing same tactic
ok so let me explain this to you
they say anything they want to is whatever they wnat it to be.
its a curtain
you see a curtain
they say, I reasonably believe thats a car
You say what the fuck are you talking about thats a curtain

>this was asked of me by my mom while the doctor at the 72 hour involuntary hospitalization sat there
I can neither make heads or tails of your story, nor your reasons for it posting here. You’re saying that this guardianship event was malicious, and that it is the reason you are being taken off disability benefits? Or are you saying that you are being taken off disability benefits in spite of being placed under guardianship and losing your rights?

I laugh at my old ass coworkers when they are being silly.

Is that you Mitch?

Does it suck that I got the ambassadorship and you didn't? After all, you put the application 6 months before I was even hired.


at the 72 hour hospitalization my mom and dad came to pick me up. the doctor brought them into a room and brought me in there with them and sat down next to them. my mom said, "we want to get you on social security".
>how you gonan do that
>i hurt my back
was my reply.
The Dr said get a guardianship. I said hell no. she said itd only be partial.
and yea even tho i have beeen found incompetent by a court, and probably because of the guardianship, i have lost medicaid card and social security. I wouldnt care and would do normal shit but that court paper, which is based probably my guess on the guardianship case.
and nothing matters, the incompetent shit IS again HIDDEN. i found it when it was used by the guardians from the STATE once in court. My dad (whos not alive now) told me they said they were going to keep me from driving too when tehy did the guardianship case.
I found out when i went to appeal the case about someone saying i was in competent. i didnt know how or where tho because (no consent or knowledge). and then later again when i weent to vote they told me about it.
i went to the voter registration and got that letter, he told me and Frankfort said when it happened that it was the other judge (from the same date as the guardianship case the STATE was involved in) who wrote it.
so i have NO disability no Insurance and that letter that all the entire STATE uses against me.
I hope you can follow along im going on too much. because I CAN KEEP GOING.
>read teh car accident lawyer bit
this letter arrived 5 days after the lawyer QUIT the case
?haha dont know you mitch who? mcconnell? ambassador? lol

>its a long drawn out story
OK, well, nobody here is going to be able to understand you or your problem unless you are willing to explain yourself properly.

Your court documents mention that your mental health evaluation is the result of being found incompetent to stand criminal trial. Why are you being brought to a criminal trial? What criminal code does the state accuse you of violating?

I really have no idea what to make of any of your posts, and unless you start explaining yourself properly I’m just going to leave the thread.

So you’re getting kicked off disability for being on drugs?

And just when I was going to say the government never does their job. I hope you either sober up or starve you fucking junkie.

>Survivors Insuance
is this a department for Holocaust Jews or women who were raped?

i have no sympathy for the long term disabled who are not actually disabled and just feckless. tough shit. i have seen down syndrome people work, guys with no legs work, the blind work (slowly). too many people in the UK have fake disabilities and are happy being poor and getting state bennies.

the court paper doesnt state the reason FOR is that- it says pursuant to krs 504.100.
which that states
YOU NEED TO READ. It makes NO sense I cant make it MAKe sense you have to READ and see it for yourself.

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