Anyone else feel kinda sad for trannies?

Anyone else feel kinda sad for trannies?

Attached: 474.png (1395x535, 868.41K)

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No. I feel sad for homeless cats

No. They are victims, but they should know better than to chop their fucking cocks off and think estrogen is some magical woman pill.

Run of the mill trannies I am neutral on. The fact is that many are indoctrinated as children so don't really have a say in the matter. It could have been any of us.
The issue, as with homosexuality, is the political and social movement promoting transgenderism.

There are times when I almost feel pity, then I remember that would happily get me fired from my job, my bank account canceled and just generally ruin my life for not participating in their delusions and that puts a stop to it. These people get what they fucking deserve.

Yes and no.
They're like the classic "child molester who became that because they were molested."
They're influenced by a media takeover that's afraid to speak out because of tolerance issues. Political correctness, SJW's, etc. They get to say whatever they want and lie, because they're regretful that these meatbags hanging from their hips that they can't get erect or can't please a partner with; or these meatholes packed with hair that bleed feces from their colons, aren't the new working genitals they thought they would be. So instead of warning the next generation of youth wanting to transition, they fucking double down and demand acceptance and harm them by convincing them of nonexistant success.
It's sick, it's sad. But just like a child that grows up to continue his criminal behavior, there's a point where he goes from being blameless to being criminal.

>It could have been any of us.
heh no.
one can have too much empathy, you know.

>Dried me out
What the fuck is this demon faggot talking about?

Toxoplasmosis caused this

I get you, maybe that was an exaggeration, but I had several friends struggle with depression in their teenage years. Imagine if they'd been told the only way to be happy was to transition? And they'd been told it so many times it felt impossible to question. Some of them surely would have.

>one can have too much empathy, you know.
That's when someone lets the tranny close to them keep going with their lifestyle. Empathy does not equate to enabling. That poster understands that any child could be groomed. It's sick, but we're blank slates and products of our environment. Nonetheless, that doesn't stop those of us who know right from wrong from stopping those damaged products from continuing the cycle.

Hugboxing is what trannies do to each other. They constantly tell each other they're making the right decision and look great and so on. It's like surrounding yourself with yes-men. They don't realise what a horrible mistake they've made until it's too late. Then they kill themselves.

Do you feel bad for the inhabitants of sodom and gomorrah?

Attached: lgbt.jpg (600x499, 46.97K)

Yeah, they'll never be women


I had depression too, so that can't be the main reason. I can't wrap my head around what causes this, but it must be something bigger than that.

when they keep doubling down, no
when the admit they fucked up, ya
I have little sympathy for arrogance. Humble people who admit when they're wrong I have respect for.

I do in isolation, kinda, I pity them a bit. Then a see one IRL and start thinking about buying another gun.

I love this pic. Still feel bad that she got turned to a pillar of salt, maybe because I identify with wanting to turn around, point and laugh.
Most of Any Forums would be turned to salt...

It could be due to the demoralization effects on a weak willed person. Some turn to drugs and alcohol, some turn to dressing like women and chopping their dicks off.

This. A lot of us rage and hate against crimes on this board but we often forget to demonstrate humanity and forgivness for those that genuinely repent.

I do in a way. They were betrayed, by their friends, possibly family, everyone that helped push them to go down that road instead of slapping the shit out of them because they were mentally ill.

Notice how the Bible rarely gets in the business of analyzing degeneracy? It just condemns it. God is never interested in humanity's reasons for it.
Same goes for "gay therapy" in some Christian circles. There's no biblical basis for this at all. This can't from already pozzed "Christian Counselors". Which is not an office or any historical vocation of the Church.

this came*

I don't know because these terms are not correct English, but I assume dried me out means to stare or look at him weird, probably with a disgusted expression on their faces.

>sad for trannies?

they are mentally disordered, their brains are fucked up

human suffering like that is miserable

society tolerating and promoting such degenerate perversions is horrible not sad

>dried me off/drying me out
Dare I ask what this means? Is this some kind of pride parade fetish activity? wdhmbt?

>society tolerating and promoting such degenerate perversions is horrible not sad
I hate them more than the trannies themselves. Like Biden stacking his staff with them.

An Asian friend once explained to me a different stance on kindness and morality, something about the open hand and the closed fist. A man's druggie brother asks for drugs. The brother of the open hand gives him drugs hoping to ease his pain and praying he'll get over drugs. The closed fist brother denies him drugs because he loves him.
Trannies need the closed fist, and I don't mean literal assault. They need their loved ones to tell them that they're fucked up and should appreciate the hardware God gave them. The grass is NOT greener on the other side of the fence for trannies.